Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Benefits

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Discover the importance of vitamin B1 and find out the symptoms of a B1 deficiency.

0:00 Introduction: Vitamin B1
0:30 Functions of vitamin B1
3:05 Symptoms of a vitamin B1 deficiency
4:39 The importance of vitamin B1
7:40 Severe vitamin B1 deficiency
9:34 Best vitamin B1 supplements
11:00 Drugs that interfere with vitamin B1
11:13 Learn more about vitamin B1 by following the link above

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this has increased your awareness about the importance of vitamin B1. I’ll see you in the next video.

Dr Berg, your previous videos on the topic saved me from a massive deficiency a year ago. The symptoms were weird and seemingly unrelated (inability to sweat, stumbling, very fast heartbeat, confusion, intolerance for any stress, depression, panic attacks, nightmares, inability to exercise, memory issues, brain fog, loss of muscle mass, shaking, IBS and more). I knew going from specialist to specialist and endless tests would not identify and address the core problem, and would drive me to bankruptcy. I followed your advice. Thank goodness!!! After 10 months of daily 1, 500 to 2, 000 mg of thiamine and benfotiamine, I am back to feeling human. Dr Berg's B1 videos saved my health. Forever grateful


I nearly died a few years ago. Was hanging by a thread. Started taking high dose B1(1800-3000mgs) and stopped my seizures. Literally saved my life. I had encephalitis and was down to less than 90 lbs. was not holding food in any longer and couldn’t stand. Actively dying … and B1 stopped all of this. I had ehler’s danlos and had hit mortality point. I’m slowly healing. Taking high dose copper and minerals and am now around 1200 mgs of B1 per day. As I get better, I can take less and less. But it truly has been a lifesaver. I take hcl type because I’m too sensitive to benfotiamine.


A quick note in case it might help some patients....I have read reports that rather than using only one form of B1 (i.e. Thiamine Hydrochloride, Benfotiamine, Allithiamine, TTFD, Sulbutiamine, etc.), a combination of two or more forms taken in divided dosages daily can speed up the healing process. I strongly encourage anyone who discovers they are B1 deficient to also exercise in-home without weights. Lastly, diet is tremendously vital. Being disciplined with your diet WELL BEYOND your peers is simply necessary. The food industry, including the grocery stores, restaurants, convenience stores, and farmers are slowly poisoning everyone, including children. However, we have to take RESPONSIBILITY and ACTION to select the best ingredients available to us. I would recommend inviting more people to view Dr. Berg's 2024 videos so they can start to get a grasp on just how toxic our lifestyles have become, and what solutions are now available. Good luck!


1500 mg of B1 a day has probably 90% eliminated my stutter, and been kind of life-changing.


Started B1 therapy for first stage Parkinson Disease. Helped me greatly.


Everything mentioned in this video is something I regularly complain to my GP about. His solution: More pills and/or operations. I wish our doctors can stop thinking about their bank accounts and start to do what they studied for. Thank you, Doctor Berg. You are helping me a lot.


My father had restless leg syndrome. I gave him B1... problem solved in 2 days!!! Thank you so much Dr Berg!!!


As an orthopedic nurse, some of our doctors are now routinely prescribing Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) post surgery. I tell the patients it's to help them handle the stress of surgery. This video sums up all the post surgical side effects it can help with. We also commonly give this to anyone with history of alcohol abuse, especially if they are likely to be detoxing, for the same reason, trying to eliminate potential symptoms of Thiamine deficiency that they likely have.


I was suffering from daily crashes in energy and chronic fatigue for years and years. Watching your b1 videos saved me. Thank you so much.


I have all those symptoms daily. The one that I couldn't figure out was getting up or laying down in bed I would get dizzy. I am evening laying down flat and my head feels dizzy. Its only when I go to bed or get up from bed. I am apprehensive when I walk especially just walking down the aisle at work, I walk like I am semi-drunk and I feel embarrassed I can't walk steadily. I thought I had vertigo problems and saw a specialist. She gave me a quick basic physical check. She didn't see anything and just said I was probably not getting enough air or blood to my brain when getting up or down quickly. I love how the doctors never say... oh you need to take more B vitamins, take those for about a month and let me know if it makes somewhat of a difference. Doctors will never say, take this vitamin or eat more or less this kind of food or drink. They have all your bloodwork but the medical system will not require or offer testing for what vitamins or minerals your body is lacking. They just want to prescribe you pharmaceutical drugs for a lifetime. Legalized drug dealers.


I had been suffering from neurological disturbances for over a year. Hospital admission, neurological specialist, couldn't find cause. I was positive it was nerve related siezures, excessive sweating, palpitations, lots. Was Hospitalised 2 months ago for different reasons and was given Vitamin B1 as it was deficient. Changed my diet abit, SUGAR 😢 and have NOT had a seizure, confusion, anxiety since. Im so grateful to the doctor at the hospital for being on the ball.❤❤❤


I started having restless leg syndrome, and edema at the same time around when my thyroid diagnosis in 2006, after a traumatic event. Just recently, I am struggling with GERD since surgery. But I never knew their connection! But being anemic from blood thinners, it caused alot of issues. 2 surgeries to stop the excessive bleeding. All because of multiple occurrences of clots caused from medications to treat PCOD and Endo. Once u get clots, you are prone for life. A reason I do not take any new meds or jabs which are unpredictable. I cannot do keto, but eat 2x a day at most, high fibre and try high iron. The nutritionist put me on baby cereal which made a huge difference. Its very high iron and vitamins. Following that aspect of eating pattern is all I tolerate. And tachycardia initiated after medically induced thyroid failure in 2018. Cannot tolerate extreme temps anymore. And salt intolerance came from thyroid failure as well changing my life. It’s like diabetes but with salt! no medication to regulate it aside water and beta blockers. WOW.
I will make it my new priority. I thought nutritional yeast was enough. I tolerate it well.
THANK U DR BERG for making it CLEAR to me that I must take it. How much I do not know. I will figure it out. IF I tolerate it; as I cannot ingest B12, or iron supplements. I have motion sickness and eye vision issues too lately, ear ringing, and sleep apnea - unreal.
All due to B1!!?
THANK YOU I have tears that an in person doctor won’t solve a simple deficiency but make you feel that it’s rather in your head. My journey is unbelievable and sounds like a storyline for a script if I would tell anyone all the details of the entire history.


i cannot imagine my life without Dr Berg... you solve so many of my health issue..😊


my daughter lost the feeling in the tops of her legs and the dr did not know what is was so i looked up on Dr berg youtube and the problem was B1 deficiency. Thank you Dr Berg


Dr. Berg, thank you again. 😊 I've been praying 🙏 for some answers, without breaking the bank and seeking out physicians who only band-aid the problem with prescription drugs, as to why I'm feeling the way I do, and do believe you're onto something. Thank you for your help and expertise. God bless your heart ❤


Wow! You've just cured most of my medical issues...and I'm not kidding! I have absolutely every issue you mentioned including chronic kidney disease, cataracts, unexplained peripheral neuropathy, hearing loss, sleep apnea, Barrett's esophagus related to GERD, etc. I have to have B12 shots monthly. I don't know its relationship to B1, but it sounds like they're in the same ballpark! Thanks so much, Dr. Berg! I'll let you know how it works out!


A very important point about B1 deficiency. When you start supplementing you can get a so called paradoxical effect, especially if you take a high dose. So your symptoms can actually get worse before they get better. So if you start supplementing and things don’t improve or get worse, just hang in there and wait it out because it will get better. It can take a few weeks or sometimes a few months depending on how deficient you are.


Thank you Dr Berg, B1 was a game changer for me. I used to get deeply depressed like I was carrying around lead weights all the time, it was so debilitating. This supplement lifted that depression so quickly it was like a miracle. I get depressed occasionally now, but it doesn't have that heaviness and goes away quickly.


My youngest daughter died from thiamine deficiency last year, 11/26/2022. She had a massive seizure that caused her brain damage that was irreconcilable. She had no level of thiamine in her system.


Thank you Dr. Berg. Your knowledge & advice on keeping us healthy is so appreciated.
