Aterrizajes de Precisión Cómo el ILS Mantiene a los Pilotos en Curso

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Aterrizar sin visibilidad es un desafío, pero el ILS te mantiene en la trayectoria correcta. Aprende cómo el localizador y la senda de planeo te guían hacia un descenso seguro y por qué las comunicaciones en vuelo por instrumentos son clave.
#Aviación #ILS #VueloPorInstrumentos #PilotoFAA #FlyingCreated by Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor, Inaia.
76 Ground School Chick welcomes and encourages open discussion and values the comments, stories, and experiences you share. We simply ask that all comments remain on topic, be courteous and constructive, and avoid offensive language.
We strive to create a supportive and engaging community for aviation enthusiasts. To ensure this space remains safe and welcoming, any comments that do not meet these guidelines may be removed.
Thank you for your understanding and for helping keep this community positive and respectful!
Aviadora 76 fomenta la conversación abierta y valora los comentarios, historias y experiencias que compartes. Solo pedimos que todos los comentarios se mantengan en el tema, sean respetuosos y constructivos, y eviten lenguaje ofensivo.
Nos esforzamos por crear una comunidad de apoyo y aprendizaje para entusiastas de la aviación. Para mantener este espacio seguro y acogedor, cualquier comentario que no cumpla con estas normas podrá ser eliminado.
✈️Watch all the short video lessons for Private Pilot Ground School here:
The links below are affiliate links which allows 76 Ground School Chick to receive a small commission from Amazon, at bio extra cost to you, any time you use the links below to sign up for programs or purchase items on Amazon. Please consider supporting this channel so we can focus on bringing you more high quality free educational aviation content!
Recommended Reading for Student Pilots:
Paper back copy of the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge:
Paperback copy of the Airplane Flying Handbook:
Stick and Rudder by Wolfgang Langewiesche:
The Killing Zone by Paul Craig :
Weather Flying by Robert Buck :
Inexpensive Aviation Headset I like using:
#Aviación #ILS #VueloPorInstrumentos #PilotoFAA #FlyingCreated by Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor, Inaia.
76 Ground School Chick welcomes and encourages open discussion and values the comments, stories, and experiences you share. We simply ask that all comments remain on topic, be courteous and constructive, and avoid offensive language.
We strive to create a supportive and engaging community for aviation enthusiasts. To ensure this space remains safe and welcoming, any comments that do not meet these guidelines may be removed.
Thank you for your understanding and for helping keep this community positive and respectful!
Aviadora 76 fomenta la conversación abierta y valora los comentarios, historias y experiencias que compartes. Solo pedimos que todos los comentarios se mantengan en el tema, sean respetuosos y constructivos, y eviten lenguaje ofensivo.
Nos esforzamos por crear una comunidad de apoyo y aprendizaje para entusiastas de la aviación. Para mantener este espacio seguro y acogedor, cualquier comentario que no cumpla con estas normas podrá ser eliminado.
✈️Watch all the short video lessons for Private Pilot Ground School here:
The links below are affiliate links which allows 76 Ground School Chick to receive a small commission from Amazon, at bio extra cost to you, any time you use the links below to sign up for programs or purchase items on Amazon. Please consider supporting this channel so we can focus on bringing you more high quality free educational aviation content!
Recommended Reading for Student Pilots:
Paper back copy of the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge:
Paperback copy of the Airplane Flying Handbook:
Stick and Rudder by Wolfgang Langewiesche:
The Killing Zone by Paul Craig :
Weather Flying by Robert Buck :
Inexpensive Aviation Headset I like using: