Dr. Phil Grills LAZY Gen Z Kids: GET REAL! | Dr. Phil Primetime

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Dr. Phil goes head-to-head with Gen Z on the hot topic of laziness. In this primetime special, dive deep into the debate as Dr. Phil challenges stereotypes and explores the truth. It's time to get real about Gen Z and their reputation for laziness.

#drphil #meritstreetmedia #GenZ #lazy

Welcome to the Dr. Phil Primetime YouTube Channel! The Dr. Phil Primetime YouTube Channel, featuring Dr. Phil McGraw, will share clips from America’s top talk show host as he turns it up in prime time. Dr. Phil is on a mission to tackle issues that matter to YOU: parents’ rights, social media, education, homelessness, the Fentanyl crisis, and much more—no topic is out of reach, no cow is too sacred, and nobody is too lost to find their way back.


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I was 54 and was hired by a 27 year old. She says she finds that older people have a much better work ethic than younger people today. Smart lady. 😊 5 years later and I’m still there!


im a 31 year old. no social media and I went back to a flip phone. haven't looked back since.


I’m so tired of hearing the phrase “as a black woman.”


I tried corporate life for 5 years and there is nothing rewarding about it. Now I’m blue collar and it’s hard work but so much more rewarding


As a professional in corporate America, I have personally witnessed my colleagues work 20 to 30 hrs OT almost every week only receive average ratings(3.2 to 3.5/5) on yearly evaluations. When they justified their above and beyond behaviors, they were met with gaslighting. To ignore that companies abuse hardworking professionals without compensation, ignores the fact that these same companies allow lazy workers to remain without discipline. Reward good behaviors and punish negative behaviors. It is that simple. Stop burning out your top performers, because management lacks the skills to hold bare minimum employees accountable.


My grandson is 22 years old. He is so industrious. He’s working for a major corporation right now, and is such a hard working young man. It’s all about how you raise these kids. Perhaps their parents want to support them all their lives.


So my ice order was $7.04. I pulled a 20 dollar bill out of my pocket, then four cents, and handed that to the Gen Z at the register. I instanly saw her brain lock up. So she started to give me the change the "amount tendered button" said i was due. She couldn't do the math! I said that isn't right. I gave you the 4 cents change. Her reply was "but you gave that to me after i put 20 in the amount tendered." This was a high school girl. I said if you can't do math, get the manager!! The manger (also a Gen Z) asked me what i wanted!! THE CORRECT CHANGE!! I finally did a math quiz to get my point across and told both of them they should be ashamed of themselves!
If we don't fix our education system, nothing we do to try to save this country will matter.


I have 3 Gen z kids, (25 yr old, 26yr old twins)
1. A psychologist
2. A sports medicine psychologist/personal trainer
3. Electrician, working towards journeyman.
I am so proud of them!!!


My youngest daughter was Gen Z. She was the manager at a Jersey Mike's. She hired a Gen Z college student who was late for 20 shifts in one month. When my daughter fired this worker, the worker argued that the starting times were unfair since [they] had trouble getting up from the afternoon naps after a long and grueling day in classes. My daughter looked at this person and said, "Now you don't have that problem."


My Father was a Firefighter for over 30 years. We had a GREAT family life. Yes, he worked 24 hour shifts but I have the best memories of him being with my family. If you failed as a family man, that is on you because my Father was excellent at both.


I own an IT company and give all my Execs and Managers complete hiring autonomy. Out of curiosity I recently asked each of them about their hiring practices. The common denominators of what they considered “no-go’s” were pronouns and anyone under 30.


As a Gen Xer, I've been working since I was 14 and have been employed by eight different organizations. Over the years, I've observed how both employers care for their employees and how employees care about their work. As a former supervisor, I've noticed a lack of ambition in the younger generation, but I've also seen dedicated employees devalued when their company changes direction—often leading to them being passed over for promotions, let go, or quietly phased out. I've witnessed people retire with regrets, realizing too late that they missed out on life while dedicating themselves to work. It's a double-edged sword. While the younger generation often lacks goals or the drive to achieve more, I've always believed that "if a job is worth doing, do it well." As I grow older, sometimes I wonder if employees are truly valued or merely taken advantage of because of their ambition to succeed.


I don't understand why everyone is surprised. These kids were given trophies for just turning up to sporting events, no hard work required. How was it ever going to be any different.


As a GenX'r, I want to thank the younger generation for giving me and my friends job stability.


I’m a co-owner of a local business here in New York. CVs with pronouns go straight to paper shredder.


I went above and beyond since I started working at 15. Going above & beyond (I am now 52) never got me anywhere except to be taken advantage of. These kids got the right idea.


This whole country, economy, inflation, corporate greed, politicians, generational values/expectations, moral values, respectfulness, pride, and many others, are all out of whack. Give me back the 70's and 80's. Those who know, know.


My granddad retired from the United States Air Force and then became a fireman and retired chief of the fire department. That was the finest man i will ever have known. He loved his family and took care of his family. That man died regretting nothing. He is my hero.


Companies take advantage, hard work gets more work with no recognition or rewards. I've work hard all my life, in every single job they've told me I go above and beyond, exceed expectations... but that never shows on the paycheck 😂😅


My son, 31, is a Paramedic (in U.K) and when we did the open day tours of universities, almost 7 years ago, I was blown away by the amount of Parents asking things like 'you don't expect my child to drive an ambulance in rush hour, do you?' and "you aren't going to make my child do a 12 your shift and then drive home, are you?" I couldn't believe what I was, hearing. They complained about the shirt patterns, the hours they would be working, the areas they would cover, the distance their placements would be from home. I was embarrassed for them.
