Relaxing Sounds of... Channel Update

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Just a quick update to what's going on with the channel since the last time I talked about the problem with Youtube. Thanks to everyone for watching and supporting the channel.

Thanks to everyone for watching the videos, hope you're having a good day or a good sleep.

► If you enjoy my videos please subscribe to my channel, thank you!

All material in this video is original and personally recorded by myself.
Copyright © 2018 Nik Rijavec (Relaxing Sounds Of Nature) All Rights Reserved.
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I love your channel and your passion for sharing nature. I have found peace of mind from your videos. I would love to support you, but my circumstances are not the greatest right now. I cannot even afford to buy my own groceries. It's not from a lack of care, but a frustrating set of circumstances I'm working to overcome.
Keep going. I have benefitted from what you do and use your videos as ambience as I work. I love it. I haven't been able to spend much time in nature this past year and this channel is my escape. ❤


Dear Nik,
please don't be discouraged!

That must be hard right now...there are even people giving thumbs down... cannot believe it.

I come from Germany. We have to pay for our official tv. So I'm used to the fact that news, art, documentary etc. never works without money.

Problem with YT is seemingly that most of it is free (which is also nice, of course!) but people are used to that and don't seem to realize that being a YTer can be work and need money...

I appreciate your work a lot.
My first video of yours was a birch tree in soft wind...❤ my favourite tree, best sound...

All the best to you!


Thank you for all of your wonderful cinematography! ❤️💯


Your honesty and sincerity is admirable. If I wasn't so broke I would help you, because your videos do help me. With that said, I hope and trust my financial situation will improve and I will be able to contribute to your videos. Thank you, Brent


Hey Man! I'm glad you put Channel update on the title up here I would have never probably checked it out. And it's not because I don't watch your videos, because I absolutely love your videos! I've just been extremely busy with so much, haven't really had time for downtime even. So when this video popped up on my notifications I saw Channel update, and I said let me go see what's going on with this channel because even though I haven't been around in a while I definitely want to keep up with what's going on because I absolutely love your channel like I said and you have helped me so many nights fall sleep. And when I heard what you had to say it really made me feel sad, just sad to think that there are so many subscribers here that you help and really truly do love your content you put out, yet none of us take the time out to contribute in any way. I have to be honest I'm just as guilty here. And I promise you it's not because I don't love your content, it really is because I have been busy with so much. I'm glad that you brought this to our attention, because you're absolutely right money is what makes this world go round and I myself couldn't do half the things I do without it.. nor can I imagine that anybody else here could or would think you would be able to do so yourself. And I mean just like you said $1 just one single dollar from all of us would make a world of a difference! If not all of us at least most of us :) I know everybody's Financial circumstances are different, but as I said even if half of us contributed $1 would make a world of a difference. Thank you brother for bringing this to my attention! You are loved and appreciated with all the time and effort you take and put into bringing us some peace and happiness into our daily lives. You have an amazing loving Spirit about you and it's obvious that you care. I hope and pray that all who see this video, will also have a caring loving Spirit about them and make that move to donate even just a dollar! Just imagine guys $1 each how much that will add up to and make this man's life a little bit easier so he's not so stressed out in how he's going to make this happen for us? So let's be caring loving human beings and reach out to him and Our appreciation and love by just donating $1. :) Oh and by the way one more thing, maybe it's just me but it's something I do in respect to anybody I'm subscribed to, whenever I watch a video I always hit the like button!! That too makes a big difference it also helps bring more to this channel, with more people may come some more $1 donations :) I never leave a channel without hitting the like button when I'm subscribed to somebody. It bothers me when I see how many people saw the video yet there's only a few likes. So maybe if people could think about that also it's just a respect thing, imagine walking into a room or a party and not even saying hello to the person's party you were invited to. you stay enjoy yourself eat all the wonderful food, and then leave without even saying goodbye. So I don't know, like I said before maybe it's just me but that's how I kind of look at it. So let's give this man the respect and love that he deserves because he gives it to us. :) LOVE & LIGHT ALL! 😍😇✌✌💕❣


I love ur videos. Keep doing what you are doing. Xx


I’ll have to set up a pay pal account then I can give as much as I can to you, I love your videos would hate to see them go ❤️


Finally!! You've got shoes and socks! I pay, today! THANK YOU.


Done I’m now a Patreon lol now for some relaxing sounds of nature ❤️


for now you have my moral support brother, you are doing good work. Hope to help you.


I don't have much money either but will send at least a bit, like you suggested...
I'm doing it via PayPal (will take a little time...)

All the best to you!


Ok, it's done. I am now at patreon! You're amazing!!


Keep Going Forward. I'm also making my channel. HD Nature Relaxation Channel.


New to your channel. I'd like to contribute to your patreon, but don't see the link. Please point me in the right direction. I love your content and see the effort you put into it.


is there anyway i could give a single donation?


Nik, is there a way to communicate "privately?"


I’m having difficulty accessing my Patreon account, i I’ll work it out in the morning


I don’t know Patreon. Does PayPal also work for you? What’s your PayPal ID?
