Models VS Influencers..

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Models strive to create interesting shapes with their arms so you bring attention to the clothes. So creating triangles (like putting your hands on your hips, or resting on top of your head), makes you look more fierce, but more importantly, you'll notice your clothes a lot more


Models have to constantly be moving because they never know what frame the photo will be taken in


And the influencers usually get more of the credit 😞


Models are known to represent the brands while Influencers are known with their faces. Obviously people would swarm around the latter...


Models and influencers are popular for different reasons.

Models are “look at our pretty clothes on this person”

Influencers are “look at this pretty person in our clothes”


The main difference is that models know how to work with the camera and take direction from the photographer while influencers are used to being their own photographers and seeing the results in real time via front camera

Edit: Also, as some people have mentioned in the comments, models strive to promote the clothes while influencers strive to promote themselves.


While online shopping the model pic catches my eye but then I look for the influencer pose to see how the clothes actually look like when you're standing normally


Models are for when a brand has an existing market, an audience that needs a good product.
Influencer is for when brands need a new audience for a unknown product.
Its not that hard to figure out


Ydk how much I hate it when people say they're both the same thing even though I'm neither of those it just boils my blood😃✨️


Basically start dancing when you're taking a photo, movement looks good


To clear up any debate on who's who, the left is the model and the right is the influencer. I have done modeling before and whenever I do it I'm not allowed to stand in one position for more than 2 seconds. Models have to move fast and make the photos interesting to look at so people buy the clothes. Influencers on the other hand don't have to do that because their face is what they're known for.


Which one is the model and which one is the influencer 💀


If this is a shoot for the dress, I would totally get the influencer pic.
Not only would it have their reputation but also it's less blurry. (I know I could pic another shot, but it goes for both ways if she chose to use these 2 pictures we should talk about them only)


Basically what im getting is that

Models work harder in actually showing off the product while influencers does it more carefreely and still get the same amount of money as models or even more.


That seems illogical. I don’t know a person on this earth who would be fine with "stiff as a board for their photos" for one that'd be a photographers worst nightmare. They want you to relax and do what feels natural when it suits to be so. If stiff as a board is your natural they make small careful suggestions to look less so. (Arm on hip, head up, smile, etc etc) second, models do exactly what they are told they're used to strict instructions and they want to get paid! So even if they don't like it they'll sit under hot lights and wear the outfits all while smiling like it doesn't matter. They train. Influencers...don't usually because they don't have to they do it cause they want to. Some do get paid and some just want the views. But who cares the reason? The point is unlike models they get more free will with their poses. They are the photographer often times. I'll be honest with you. I rarely see an influencer take pictures like they've never moved a day in their lives. Both subjects tend to put out the best work they can because they want the end results. If you did ask an influencer and a Model on stage you know who's in charge of how they pose? The photographer. They aren't going to take the picture if the pose looks bad unless they aren't being paid enough to care.

(Plus pretty sure Models are still being paid more depending on where they're doing their work.)

All and all I don’t think it's fair to judge either. For one thing because models and influencers can be both things. They have similar and not so similar ways to do things. They're both pretty unique jobs.


With models every shot is a different pose


Models be moving like they got to pee, it's a bad itch they can't scratch in public and some more stuff😂😂😂


Influencers doing 1pose every 5mins 👁️👄👁️
Models doing 100 poses every 5 seconds


Almost as if the models are trained professionals


Reminds me of that one gossip girl scene
