2 Thessalonians 2:1-9 Proves A Pre-TOJT Rapture

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Posties try to use 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 to prove that Christians will see the Antichrist before the rapture, but they fail to continue reading verses 6-9 of the same chapter!

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They were troubled in mind because these teachers were actually saying that the resurrection was passed (see 2Tim.2:17, 18) Hymenaeus and Philetus were two of these false teachers. Their loved ones who had passed away were not among them and they were troubled about where they were.. Paul called them false teachers who were overthrowing the faith of some. That was the whole purpose of the letter of 1st Thessalonians. Because even after writing to the Thessalonians they still didn't understand. Paul wrote 2nd Thessalonians to give them concrete proof of what must happen before the Antichrist is revealed to assure them that the day of the Lord had not past. His proof was that there would come a falling away first and the man of sin would be revealed before the day of the Lord.


This does not disprove post trib doctrine. For one,   2Th 2:1 is clearly referring to the rapture. Verse 3 clearly  states that it cannot happen until the man of sin is revealed. If the restrainer in verse 7 is the body of Christ as you assume, then Paul is contradicting himself. Why would he say that the body of Christ will not be gathered unto him until the antichrist is first revealed, and then say that the body of Christ must first be removed before the antichrist is revealed? This does not make sense. Also, the saints in heaven in Rev 5 include everyone who has died in Christ since the start of the Church in the first century. That includes people from all over the Globe by the millions. This alone does not prove a pre trib rapture. I am not trying to sow discord, even though I will be accused of such. I just want to see the word of God rightly explained.


Victorious...the battle is done when we are greeting him "in the clouds"


[Rev 20:4 KJV]
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received [his] mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

[Rev 20:5 KJV]
But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This [is] the first resurrection.


Question, why would Paul state in verse 3 that the gathering should not happen until after the revealing of the antichrist, and then right away contradict himself in verse 7 by saying the Holy Spirit will hold off the antichrist until he removes the church? Could you may be mistaking that "he" in verse 7 is talking about the Holy Spirit both times?


thanks for doing all the heavy lifting for us newly born again in these very evil last days. the post-trib doctrines are so heavy with seducing spirits, I can't even get through the comments sometimes without feeling their foulness trying to worm in. Praise the Lord, you don't waiver, a huge example of putting on the full armour of God. Glory be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. praying always for you and yours, karil


Amen brother Bryan.

2 Timothy 4:3King James Version (KJV)

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

Id say we are there!


We cannot read the Holy Scriptures to find what we want, but rather read it to find what the Scriptures tell us. Rapture before the tribulation has that as a custom.


And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

What saints are those, and how do you know?


I just listened to the last few minutes of a gentleman, I don't know when he became a teacher, he's only been a Christian for a few years and he knows a lot he's read and reread the Bible, I just don't know whose Bible. I won't say who it is but the name of his show the initials are OPP. I just heard the last few minutes but his last words were I don't know about you guys but I'm going to be here when the Antichrist shows up. How does the Antichrist and the holy Spirit live on the same planet? They don't.

Right after his show, you popped up out of nowhere and told me the exact opposite of what he is teaching thousands and thousands of souls that can't see through him. Help him. God bless you this was awesome. I'm going to watch you everyday now. 🕊️🕊️🕊️


Bryan, It clearly says our gathering to the Lord Jesus Christ will not happen till the falling away and the man of sin is revealed. So why would Paul contradict himself by saying the church is the restrainer and must be removed in order for the man of sin to be revealed. The truth is Paul is not contradicting himself, rather you are eisegesis the text with a pre-trib doctrine. You keep saying post tribs don't read past verse 3, it seems that you just want too ignore verses 1-3. Just to be clear I am more of a mid trib guy. Sometime after the 2 witnesses and the 7th trumpet in Revelation ch 11. And for those who say we will not receive Gods wrath as Paul stated in 1st Thessalonians ch 5, the 7th trumpet sounds off just before the 7 bowls of wrath. The questioned you need to ask your self is, are you just reading Gods word and letting it speak for itself. Or are you coming to the word with pre drawn conclusions taught by the left behind series.


not a very convincing argument :(, "he" sounds more like it's referring to whoever is holding back the antichrist


This is ridiculous. Your suggestion that verse 5 and 6 speak of Christ you are not maintaining the subject . The question is when will Christ return. The subject used to illustrate when Christ will return is the son of perdition being revealed. The he spoken of is this one the son of perdition. Please.


Read Pastor Dr. Andy Woods’s sermon on 2 Thessalonians 2:3 in which he refutes that THE apostasy doesn’t refer to THE falling away but is actually THE physical departure (the rapture of the Church). In the days of the Thessalonians, the falling away had already began.


I love you brother that's all I could say. Awesome, simple, and conclusive.


Thank you, thank you, Bro. for this encouragement. I am so weary of the new trend on youtube, with many trying to dissuade Christians of hoping for that blessed event, the catching away, before the great tribulation. I've read these passage so many times and with prayer, like you quoted in 2 Thess. and have always felt in my heart that this described a pre-wrath, pre-AC event.

I can't understand how today's 'postie' watchmen, think they are doing service by describing in detail how horrible our near future will be. Yes, we know we may witness and go through natural disasters, wickedness, persecution and wars, but these 'posties' seem to add a new 'trial' to the mix, like monster armies of super men, fallen angels harassing and tormenting us, demons turning people into walking zombies, environmental plagues that cause mental illness and Artificial intelligence control, etc. etc. etc. Is anyone else just plain sick of it?

These 'watchmen' seem to relish putting fear of the demonic into every child of God. They get very angry at those pretribbers, accusing us of being soft and afraid, they accuse the brethren of being undeserving of salvation, if they fear the great tribulation. They feel superior and strong, but today's Christians have so many trials and tribulations, as the world is so fallen. The posties might feel they have an advantage to prep and hoard money and gold and food, but don't care how they put fear in believing families, who cannot leave or afford to buy provisions or even have any energy to fight these super armies. These people are part of trying to make brethren fall away, by discouraging them, dragging them down and stealing their joy and hope in that blessed event. We are instructed to encourage one another with the blessed event. No one will be able to survive the AC period. All flesh (certainly Christians) would be extinct, under the AC. We know the early church and many through the centuries died as martyrs and some did not. However, the last days Bride of Christ is being tried and refined, just by having to endure the falling away of the Church. It's the false church that is our greatest persecutor right now.
What brother or sister in Christ would tell their child that they will have to be tormented by scorpion beings and sores and boils ? What spirit is that of?


You added words. It does not say the body of Christ is taken out of the way, clearly says the restrainer who is a He the Holy Spirit. The body of Christ is a she, the church/bride. Pre-trib believers always has to add words to their theology. Just stick with the scripture and it’s clear we will go through the tribulation but be kept safe from God’s wrath.


the believers thought they were in the day of the lord . the time of judgement . but paul comforts them and says THAT DAY has not yet come because antichrist must be revealed first


Question for consideration, if “Posties” cant or refuse (which is most likely) to answer correctly in context and with proper doctrine, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-9, in regards to the pre Jacobs trouble catching away. Could it maybe be, they can’t because they are acutely and purposely turning away from the truth and hence believing a said lie? Like it is said in (2Th 2:11)? Could they not be the scoffers talked about in (2Pe 3:3)?
