Perfect Finish on New Varnish or Polyurethane on Wood Furniture, Polish With Steel Wool

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Showing how you can give wood furniture a refinish using steel wool and wax to polish in less than an hour.
Wax on wood furniture with fine steel wool cleans, finishes and polishes beautifully your old and new wood furniture.
It will refinish water based coatings, oil based polyurethane or varnish, film finishes like lacquer or shellac, lacquer and other coatings. A wax rub gives wood a richer look, an even finish, a warmer feel and resists water, not to mention a great shine.
It is the final step to presenting your home to friends or finalizing your woodworking project.
IMPORTANT The longer you let a new finish cure, the easier it will be to rub it, and that goes for any sheen.
IMPORTANT You can’t rub a satin sheen up to a gloss sheen, but you will improve a shine greatly with polishing.
IMPORTANT You must have enough of a finish for this to work. You cannot polish bare wood.
Dust in the air makes it hard to get a clean, smooth finish in any environment, no matter how it’s applied. You need a dedicated clean room, and even then, the finish can dry with particles or bush strokes. So what chance do we that finish in the garage or basement wood shops have? Steel wool wax rubbing removes those problems and smooth out the sheen differences.
Also, a waxed steel wool finish just looks better. The rubbed shine just looks better. The gloss from a spray gun, brush or pad simply isn’t the same: it is smoother, reflects more light, and is deeper and more.
By rubbing in the direction of the grain, scratches on older furniture are filled to refract light in an even pattern. The steel wool leaves the surface flat, with a glossy, reflective surface without any scratches visible.
And the feel of the furniture is luxurious. Wood is a living thing, and is more than appearance. You should experience the wood. People touch the wood, hold it. You can’t get that from Formica.
Here’s how you do it.
It takes work to apply the wax in long strokes, putting pressure on the steel wool to clean and polish the wood.
Use quality steel wool as they aren’t all same and may be rough. Not all steel wool is created equal. Rub with the grain of the wood.
Start with 400 grit sandpaper with paint thinner as a lubricant to remove a small layer of finish to clean and smooth the surface of dust, scratches and marks
Fill the pad of 00 steel wool with paste wax. It will lubricate the steel wool as well as apply the wax deep into the imperfections for a smoother surface.
Don’t miss rubbing the ends of the wood, and keep going in the grain’s direction.
Flip the pad over as the pad gets worn. Add more wax as you go along.
Use long stokes in straight lines with the grain, working the wax. The entire wood surface should get at least 7 rubs or passes.
Then use 0000 steel wool to remove the excess wax and polish the wood. Apply lighter pressure when removing the wax. Use the same application pad more wax if needed.
Too much wax will show if rubbing your finger on the surface leaves a smudge. Cold water can be used to harden the excess wax so it can be removed easier with the four zero steel wool.
At the end, you can use a clean cloth for buffing off any residue wax to get a glossy surface.

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0:16 "...something you made and polyurethaned yourself go from GOOD to PERFECT".... Or in my case, to get from "honestly pretty bad" to "surprisingly very good." Excellent suggestion, made a huge difference.


Thank you for this! I just finished restoring a wooden Modernica dinette table top and now I know how to make a very good job truly outstanding.


This video saved the day for me. I built a Cherry dinning room table for my wife and was struggling with the clear topcoat. I was forced to use waterborne Polyurethane due to winter time workshop with apartment over the garage. I was not able to get a clear finish that would represent the Cherry well, that was until I saw this video. I put on 3 coats of the clear semigloss poly and sanded and finished as Blair suggested and it is now perfect. I feel I have the protection from incidental spills from the poly and the rich natuaral finish using the wax on top. Thanks for sharing this method of


yes clearly Blair knows what he's talking about and has mastered this process without any issues. I have bought quite a few pieces "refinished" by amateurs who put a spotty finish on the wood. Using the wax really makes the poorly done job look professional. As Blair indicates ... it does take time but it take the furniture to a whole new level.


I just have to post a comment to say thank you so much for this excellent tip using the two different grades of steel wool (00 and 0000) when applying the wax polish. I normally use a liquid polyurethane applied with a brush, but because I'm refinishing a very long, low dresser (9 drawer), I didn't want to chance brush strokes being visible due to not being able to maintain a wet edge. I thought I'd try going the wax polish method but had never tried it before. After my first application, I noticed it was blotchy, you could see it was uneven. After watching your video, I went back and used your two step method with the steel wool and it turned out beautiful. Silky smooth and an even appearance. Simply beautiful. Thank you so very much for sharing that. Cheers, Gabrielle


I tried this wonderful technique last night and got fantastic results! Polished a walnut bar top which was finished with lacquer. Achieved an even, satiny sheen that feels almost velvety to the touch. Thanks a bunch for sharing this technique!


Thank you so much! As a first timer staining and finishing a butcher block tabletop, this video saved my project. I was frustrated with the results I was getting, even after tediously following the directions of how to apply polyurethane. This made the coat even and beautiful. Thank you, sir.


Crystal clear and bold voice. very useful for a person searching for a method of using wax polish on wood. Great presentation in a short time.


Thank you Blair was fighting a butcher block finish with watco block oil couldn't get it to even out.
Your dad's method worked perfectly.
I am a fellow citizen from St Clair Shores, spent 38 years there. Last 17 in California. Thank you again.


I tried this method on an antique table and the result is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much.


I’m truly amazed the amount of labor it takes to refinish wood like this. I thought it an elementary easy process. This is a lot of work in retrospect. We’re used to just buying it w/o considering others toil. Thanks for this.


I used this method to finish my tabletop. Looks amazing. Thanks for the video!


I used this method on coffee table I restored. Thank you so much the results are amazing and so inexpensive!


Just finished my walnut butcher block island using this method after sealing with satin finish waterlox. This was the exact look I was hoping to achieve.
Thank you for the video!


Wonderful Video, just reworked a couple of sticky tables in my cafe. I got a little past the finish in a couple of spots, but tables are now super smooth and my hand slides across them with ease. I'm sure my customers will notice tomorrow. thank you for sharing your expertise!


Just used this method on a 2x6 glued tabletop I built and it made a huge difference.


Love your site and tips. Going to order some stuff cause I support independent merchants over big boxes. I grew up in 84 lumber as a kid following my dad everywhere lol.


I followed the advice from a couple of other YouTube videos and got swirls in the finish on my dining table. I used Mr. Hardware's method and my table looks so much better. Thank you, Mr. Hardware!


I pretty much do the same thing with the Mini shelves that I make but it takes several hours to make it right but after that it is sweet❤


WOW WOW WOW .  Went on Youtube to see if there was a way to get brush strokes out of table tops that I finish.  Saw this story and now my work looks great.  Not only does it get out the little dust bugs but actually gets out the brush strokes,   Never would have thought that steel wool would be the answer, Thanks a ton
