Minecraft - Star Wars - Death Star Run.

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➜ This set is now an EPIC Minecraft Adventure called: 'Rise of the Rebellion'
Everything in the video has been built by hand over a period of 6 months.
I have tried to re-create the Death Star trench section as close to the original model, as featured in the film. This you will be able to see in the 'Making of..... video'.
No special effects or mods have been used..... its all vanilla Minecraft!
I did use an editor to put together the final set piece and I did use a Death Star Schematic for the long shots of the Death Star. (*See Below)
*'PC Gamer Magazine' - "One in a million"
*'PC World' - "Prepare to have your mind blown"
*'G4TV - " Holy crap. My hat goes off to YouTube user ParadiseDecay and yours should too"
*'Kotaku' - "This is hot-blooded machinima, Minecraft's blocks used to recreate whole sequences from the end of Star Wars."
*'Adult Swim' - "You know, if we took all the Minecraft geniuses and put them on curing cancer, we'd probably have it licked in a week!"
*'Bluesnews' - "This is pretty awesome...."
*'RocketNews' - "The result is an impressive piece of work that is to be admired by geeks around the world."
*'Flesh Eating Zipper' - "Oh My JEEBUS!"
*'GameFront' - "Mind Blowing!"
*'The Escapist' - "Awesome-sauce"
*'Toms Hardware' - "Torches lighting up the interior of Darth Vader's TIE Fighter = too funny. Zombies walking across the face of the Death Star = priceless."
"Paradise Decay has created a Minecraft version of the Death Star trench run from A New Hope"
*'Curse' - "YouTube user and presumably long-time Star Wars and Minecraft fan Paradise Decay has put together an absolutely stunning Minecraft machinima video."
☆☆☆☆ CREDITS: ☆☆☆☆
George Lucas
Fox Entertainment
John Williams
Official Star Wars on YouTube:
Special Thanks to Notch and Mojang for making all this possible.
*Special thanks to Tyken132 for having the Death Star Schematic available to download from his site:
Special Thanks to ☆ George Lucas ☆ for the inspiration!
He is an idol to myself and my daughter and it would be a dream of ours to meet him one day.
☆☆☆☆ DISCLAIMER: ☆☆☆☆
This is a fan-film only.... It's FREE to view! Copyright infringement is not intended! All links to appropriate parties are in this description. Please buy the original DVD boxsets and support George Lucas (my idol) and Disney for their amazing work! No Money or Profit is made from this video! The soundtrack is from various clips found on YouTube. I did not write the music, nor do I own the exclusive rights to it. All video footage is from the game itself, and was filmed entirely by me.