Prayer Laying Hands - Laying Hands on Someone in Prayer - Laying Hands Prayer

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Prayer Laying Hands - Laying Hands on Someone in Prayer - Laying Hands Prayer

In this video I am going to pray for you. Together we will Pray and you will lay hands on your body as we agree and receive God's promise of healing.

This Prayer of Laying Hands is a promise we can claim from the Bible.

I have received healing myself from doing exactly what you will hear in this prayer.

This Laying Hands Prayer is powerful and effecitve. You can Lay hands on someone else and believe for their healing as well.

Jesus and his disciples healed many people by laying hands on them.

I will agree with you in prayer as you lay hands on yourself and others to receive the healing that God has for you.

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Thanks so much for watching and remember, God has Great Things in store for YOU!

You are blessed!
Allen Rich

Check Out These Videos:

Hear God Speak Meditation

Prayer for your Marriage and Husband

Declarations for Healing

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Please comment and let me know how God has healed you from Laying Hands on yourself or on others! We hope you enjoy this powerful prayer! Post your prayers below so we can keep you in prayer! 😇


I'm in need prayer of touch in agree for my next doctor appointment my A1c will be normal in need of prayer for good health and wealth pray 🙏 please


Praying for healing In my body my A1C is normal and my calcium is normal my next doctor appointment. Praying I will not go on no medication touch in agree with me in prayer please


This was a wonderful video about the laying on of hands for healing. Jesus gave the disciples and all believers the authority to heal this way. Thank you for your teaching and prayers.


Lord I thank you for the authority to heal my circumstances and to heal my father especially. My father's mind is free and restored. His memory his strong . Now. His body has been restored . His strength to walk. His coordination to feed himself. His ability to speak with confidence. His ability to swallow and have the proper nutrition. His ability to chew and his ability to breathe is strong . My father can do all things with God and through God. By your stripes my father is heales. Now Lord as he sleeps. Today. In Jesus Name. Amen. Please join me. There is no space or time barrier . Now Lord. Thank you. Amen


The music is too loud and very distracting.
