How to make a small and powerful induction soldering iron

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How to make a small and powerful induction soldering iron

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Рекомендации по теме

A regular cheap soldering Iron uses "induction" to heat the soldering Iron tip. This one primarily heats the paperclip through high current via a transformer. Induction happens in the coils of the transformer, but the soldering iron tip (i.e. the paper clip) heats not via induction but through high current.

None the less, impressive build. I enjoyed watching it.


Induction soldering iron can induce heavy current in shorted inductors inside circuit, so be careful using this type of irons. Rest the iron is very good...


this video only shows how you build it, but it does not teach how to build it, you do not give a list of materials or values of the resistances or put a diagram etc


Thank you so much for this video!
I think only a few viewers understand how ingenious this design really is.
Your design is much more sophisticated than it looks like.


That is not induction heating.
That is a high current step down transformer heating a wire. (paperclip)
Using Gates to turn the 12v DC into AC...How well do the Gates handle the load of driving the big 2mm wire? Apparent there would have to be a "Duty Cycle" (1min on, 5min off ???)


Great video. VERY informative.... Only one complaint not against video or instructor but at @youtube ..plz explain why in the #@$& was there 5 freaking ads WHILE WATCHING THE VIDEO.. along with before and after but DURING ... ALMOST made me lose interest 2 ads were close to 30secs.😠 SMH. Other than that.👍👍 Thanks for the diy project :)


That soldering iron needs a good cleaning and tinning.


Witam i pozdrawiam!!Super wykonana lutownica, bardzo dobry pomysl, bedzie pomocna przy lutowaniu plytek elektronicznych, dobry pokaz filmu, tak trzymac!!


Wonderful solder iron, , , perfekt to solder chassie then you nead to heat up quickly and lot of power, , , , normal solder iron cant do it, Thanks for this wideo, , , i shell build one, , ,


interesting video
hi everyones have a good day


how to make soldering iron using soldering iron :D


Now you need to use that one to soldier up another one with all the cold soldier joints in it lol 🙌 really cool though


how to make a soldering iron.Materials: other soldering iron


Cool video, quick tip though, using some rough sand paper is a little safer and in some cases an easier way of removing the non conductive coating around copper wires, I've slipped with those utility knives doing the same thing before, it ain't fun, be safe!


Actually it's an inverter not inductive 12vdc to Ac in higher voltage output, not practical Use glow plugs -direct dc 4amps up or use a trafo - 3amps up then remove secondary winding replace it with a huge gauge #10 wire -3turns put filament thin wire on two leads and finish instant soldering gun


Wow ce tare, o fata care îi place electronica frumoase mâini ❤️❤️❤️😘


I imagine how does the other soldering iron feel while making the thing that will replace him💔


Good tehcing and can let pepleh understand perfaecly well.wonderfool😀😀😀😀


You can use a cord with several wires instead of a 2mm cord. The high-frequency current is not moving inside the wire, but on the wire surface.


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