Dresden style: Ye firebombs the Overton window on Alex Jones' Infowars. Did he just go crazy??

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Let's look at the artist formerly known as Kanye West, Ye's appearance on Alex Jones' Infowars. The most common analysis I see is that Ye is deeply troubled and is in need of mental help. Is he just crazy or could there be more going on?
While provocatively stated he brought up a lot of topics that have been discussed in 'the dark corners of the internet' for years and brought some personal experience and insider information to bear as well.
And while the mask is certainly likely to make him appear crazy to the casual observer could there be more going on here than meets the eye?


This is my second vid of yours that I've watched. I have to say your observations and analyses are spot on.
It's an overused statement but apt here: *criminally* under-subbed

I really enjoyed Ye's hand grenade underneath the flap of their tent of lies. He nailed the landing too! Not much of what he had said could be cut up to make him look bad, the media had to selectively quote him, people went and look for themselves.

_Is he a perfect messenger?_ No, but no one earthly man will win this fight alone.

I'd consider it a success, given the battlefield they've handed us.
