To Err is Human, To Forgive, Divine

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Are we humans doomed by our so-called ‘intellectualism’ to keep making the same mistakes (error) our ancestors did from the annals of history without the slightest thought of remorse or repentance? Has such objective foresight escaped our liminal bodies to treat hindsight as just another rarity of sorts? Has past verbiage taught us nothing virtuous about forgiveness; the light in which grace truly shines as bright as the noonday sun burning off the ‘evil moss’ many termed ‘err’ and be truly 'transformed and translated' into the light again? This ailing world is fading away in corpulent rancor lead by incessant human pride but they forget ‘To err is human, To forgive, Divine.’

Perhaps ‘forgiveness’ is no longer seen as fashionable! Perhaps ‘I, me, myself’ is all that matters! Perhaps, we humans have not given any thought about that ancient narrative (the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden) as much as we should (throughout the sands of time) until pompous ambition made common sense not common anymore; killing off any sensible, rational reconciliation with our ‘creator’ as a trivial thing, even at the expense of our immortality!

Could it be…we saw our current civilization pride itself celebrating diversity in the name of progress and we hop in the bandwagon; branding it ‘innovation’ or ‘survival of the fittest’ but we miss an unseen stranger (a danger); the seed of discord sown so deep into our DNA that we forget it exists? This turbulent monster seeking to ‘kill, steal and destroy’ us from the face of the planet; its serpentine head insidiously waiting for the right time to strike with such malicious vengeance; vehemently locking deep venom into our poor blinded soul if we do not forgive. This can be seen by countless acts of rage and hostility; violently displayed by so-called ‘pious’ men and women everywhere across all generations.

It is vividly clear that this vicious never-ending cycle of grudge and animosity can be seen in the vile nature of man itself from the rise and fall of the human race; from pioneering conquest to commercial affluence to intellectual fallacies. The final outcome for such unforgiving personalities is the same; they all perish like men as ‘lovelessness’ twirls her fingers around their hearts making virtues like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control obsolete in this society of sorts. What a flawed world we live in!

However, I believe that all problems, whether new or old stems from an age-old problem of ‘pride and prejudice’ which leads to death. No matter what methodology we try to use…we will still fail! We cannot transcend this current reality with pretense doctored by some proactive ‘quack’ in the name of religion, race, or culture anymore! We want the sure miracles of life, light, and love to fill our very being from the inside out; giving rest to our weary hearts, soul and mind like never before! We want a real solution…a miraculous one that cannot be tampered by death! No second best! No liminal period! No uncertainties! It’s either a lucid ‘Yes’ or a ‘No.’

A perfect world will have no chaos! Chaos is proof of an imperfect world! Chaos is not an opportunity for a powerful transformational potential but just a brooding sense of liminality; a negative connotation, if you will. Many may perceive the old ‘chaotic’ self a safer bet than embracing the unknown ‘newness’ of eternal life, even eternal life due to overbearing peer pressure or self-inflicted optical ‘blackouts’ but God is always good to humanity by giving us his free grace for a second shot at life.

Finally, ‘forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel of those that have crushed it’ points to the simplicity of preaching the good news of freedom and redemption provided solely by the ‘Absolute Creator’; which is key to fully understand what forgiveness really is. Well, if God ‘forgives and forget’ humanity’s errors by taking on our ‘hell-bound’ fury ‘once and for all’ at the cost of his own life (at Calvary’s cross) to release us from our erratum of ‘sin and death’, we should also do likewise for others, should we not? Any other cajoling would be futile as the grave has already buried many other alternatives in the vinyl of history. Therefore, if you feel like a ‘kindred spirit’ wanting a future where forgiveness reigns supreme and love is in the air; a place where there is no pain or suffering, no torment or gnashing of teeth; then seek first to be forgiven from all our ‘err’ by entering into that strait narrow gate of the gospel of Jesus Christ and then forgive others from the heart too.
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