Cosmic Armour Superman VS Rune King Thor #shorts #marvel #dc

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Context about C.A.S aka (COSMIC ARMOR SUPERMAN) 2nd Most powerful version of superman, 1st is milkman and 3rd is Superboy prime, So lets get what we are talking about.

His strength - able to kill this powerful and feared entity named mandrakk and was stated to be so powerful that he can turn existence into pure nothingness.

His speed - transcends the standard spatio rational flow that is contained within the multiverses

His durability - tanked the power of 52 universes, the heat of ten billion suns, from the entity mandrakk itself, he tanked it all like it was nothing for him, Although we all know that its common sense that he can withstand more than a billions of suns, In stated in the comics that madrakk attacked cas with ten billion suns, and as i said, "he tanked it all like it was nothing for him", and we all know that he probably can withstand and endure trillions of suns or possibly higher, and if you all say that "oh he was so severely damaged after the fight", That was not because of the billions of suns heat. It was just a piece of metals, Robot thingy falling off, not his willpower and his True strength at last. With this said, yeah.
His overall iq and battle iq- exists in monitor sphere, the highest and the most primal level of existence, and holds cosmic awareness, aware that he's a fictional character
(nigh omniscient)

His Hax and abilities- Able to control the story with Plot Manipulation and Overvoid erasure ( even the writer cant kill cas because cas holds the cosmic book of limbo which the writer lives in)Also reality warping, matter manipulation, alot, literally alot. He literally sees the multiverse as a story/plot, and has the power to edit/alter the multiverse at will
(Plot Manipulation)Again, let me clarify. Reality Manipulation, Immortality (Type 1, 3, 5 & 10), Abstract Existence (Thought Robot exists as a sentient concept, meant to represent the "good" side of every conceptual dichotomy), Regeneration (High-Godly), Matter Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Creation, Information Manipulation, 4th Wall Awareness, Large Size (Type 10), Flight, Anti-Matter Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Acausality (Paracausality; The Monitor Sphere is beyond causality and time).

Resistance to Plot Manipulation (Resisted being inside a self-assembling hyper story trying to destroy him)

Combat to cas- Why do i need to explain

His Agility/reflexes- His agile nature which makes him impossible to catch

His Size- He is bigger than 52 universes, so overall

Cosmic armor superman is

scaled Tier-1a(High Outerversal)


U need more subs dude these edits are so good


I voted for Rune King Thor because he is hugely underrated character. His popularity mostly comes from the battle of Cosmic Armor Superman and Rune King Thor.

Alot of people highly overrate Cosmic Armor Superman with specific metaphorical words describing and building up nonsense of manipulative lies.

People who don't explore comic books will easily fall into people's hands. Into believing their nonsense narcissistic mouths/fingers.

Sure CAS has shown Limbo on his fingertips but that isn't actual Limbo. That was just an representation of Limbo. I will give you an easy logical example, Hologram. But it's not entirely Hologram but what can we know is that he is a robot after all and androids/robots are capable of causing this.

Then again. It ain't an actual Limbo, it was just a representation of Limbo to know where it is.

Common sense.

During CAS and Mandrakk whole brawl, Superman didn't even demonstrate his mind blowing capabilities/abilities throughout his whole brawl against Mandrakk.

It was more of a Superman-like acts against Mandrakk. Typical truly. I just don't know why people be saying he has insane abilities or having a high intellect. Truly makes 0 sense.

All they say is "Limbo" for their response. That's basically is all. Seriously, the Limbo bit on his fingertips wasn't an actual Limbo, I will repeat again, it was just a representation of a Limbo like a Hologram since he is a robot/android and they are capable of visually showcase stuff.

CAS gets badly hurt and starts to downgrade his looks and performance throughout the whole brawl, he begins to look like Terminator, all hideous and ugly. All busted up and crippled. Damaged badly and ruined.

He was even seen knocked out on the floor and on his very own knees before Mandrakk.

That's truly embarrassing and humiliating. So how you going to compare that to RKT a man who wasn't spotted laying on the floor or on knees during any of his battles?

How you gonna compare CAS to RKT, a man who didn't even lose any brawl nor struggled any conflicts? How you gonna compare CAS to RKT when CAS be looking like Terminator while RKT be looking all handsome still?

I just don't understand. RKT even demonstrated his capabilities/abilities to us audience/readers/viewers to witness what he is truly capable of doing.

He showed us that he can survive in the TWSAIS Shadow Realm where Life Bringer Galactus can't even enter in. Or else he would get erased.

CAS fanbase believe CAS has plot manipulation for himself only, they forgetting that RKT also has it too since he was capable of surviving in the TWSAIS. After all he didn't get erased.

Multi-Eternity, Oblivion, GOS Loki and Life Bringer Galactus all said they are "Beyonders" what else you don't want to believe? It's all there in comics. It's literally written all there. Stop not believing the fact that they aren't Beyonders. I'm sick of it. Just accept


Well Thor can change reality so he will change reality for Superman


Welcome to cap store..But today there are only facts here👍


Lol when you dont know rune king thor alredy defeat superman in comics


Nah it's negative diff


literally rkt rip 🔥😂
CAS has plot power and exist out of multiverse


Thor beat in BEYONDER in comics and you are saying he can't beat cas