My Honest Thoughts on Body Positivity...

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In this video, I talk about my honest thoughts on body positivity.

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The information in this video is not intended as medical advice.
In addition to searching the Internet for information related cancer and health, please consider consulting with a qualified medical healthcare professional.

#chrisbeatcancer #BodyPositivity #Storytime
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I’m a new “fan”. Thank you for speaking the truth in love!


Mr. Chris you are telling everyone exactly what I have been trying to and giving testimony about. It is all about the HEALING AND BEING OBEASE IS AN ILLNESS! Really. "They" are tryin g to make obeasity normal - NO IT CAN'T BE!!!! IT IS UNHEALTHY AND I AM GOING TO KEEP ON SAYING IT. Why can a fat friend tell me that I should not loose any more weight, that I am too skinny, but I am unable to tell her (out of love for her) that she is way too fat and unhealthy, and just cancer, diabetes II, heart disease, hypertention, auto immune disease, etc. etc., is waiting to happen in and to her body??? I will not be quiet. I an gentle about it, but I always tell my obease friends the 2 major causes of cancer! They can help and heal themselves! G-d bless you and your great work Mr. Chris. I will be getting your book on audible.


You hit the nail on the head, Chris!!!

*"No one can shame you unless you allow it"*

Words are just that...words. So why are you allowing words from strangers to have an impact on your life?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% on how you react to it.

And what ever happened to the saying, "Stick and stones may hurt me but words can NEVER hurt me".

Are you so weak spirit that you allow words to hurt you????

People needs to learn to toughen up EMOTIONALLY, SPIRITUALLY, MENTALLY.


please make it ebook Chris so that we are in Indonesia can get ur book too..


I’ve been asked to do a video three times with you. I am fat. I feel the shame as well. I’m doing what I can, however. I KNOW slender people live longer. I’m trying, everyone. I had no chemo, no radiation. I’m cancer free. I HAD stage 4 breast cancer, bone cancer (spine, sacrum, hips & sternum). You are a high mentor. But I feel like since I got well with radically changing my self, there are others as well who are not slender. I know all about obesity. I am obese. That said, it’s hormonal and my doctor says the shot I’m given to help my bones also has the side effect of weight gain. I AM trying. When and if I ever get visually acceptable I’ll do your video...but be sure to explain that cancer can be cured without being perfect. That IS the truth. Which comes first....obesity or cancer. Obesity is hormonal...breast cancer is hormonal. I am your fan however... please have compassion for some who are doing our personal best with what we’ve got. I’m doing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual work. I don’t have cancer (from a 2% survival rate) and that’s a miracle...for me. People who have cancer need to know they can heal and NOT look slender. It’s possible. It just is. I’m living proof. When I had cancer I wish someone would’ve told me this fact. I had no idea I could eliminate cancer without being slender first. That’s the truth. I love your work, looking forward to my master cooking class, and have my whole Facebook page dedicated to healing naturally, all I did (and do) to be healthy. Just wanted to toss in my 2 cents, I guess.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How DARE anyone tell ME what to consider beautiful.


Unless a person has had extra weight, maybe they should be quiet, you don’t know if a person is eating plant based, running 6 miles a day, or eating nothing but carrots. Tell this to thin folks that eat junk and never eat a vegetable. We can’t say all bigger people are lazy or gluttonous. Also to get healthy, we have to get to the roots- whether it be mental health issues, childhood trauma, etc. Shut the bullies up..they aren’t worth your time. Also, we can help others without acting like an asshole. Instead of shoving people to the ground, we need to lift them up.


Very well worded, thank you for this!


I have veggies at every meal. I have eaten many, many diets. I am still FAT. I have also started your diet, I am even fatter now. You will say, I am mad at your video. Well, yes and no. What works for one person, will not work for another. And yes, I have ordered your book.


I had Graves' disease in 1992 and had a thyroidectomy. I was always skinny without trying before that. I gained a lot of weight after my surgery, but now on a plant based diet I've lost 75 pounds and feel amazing. I have more to go but I will get there. Thanks for sharing!


Just in time I watched this video...I just saw a video entitled " Did Chris really beat cancer?". Hmmm, that guy tsk tsk, in the end he then took back his words against you😏.


Having you read that section of Obesity from your book WAS POWERFUL! Gheez Chris that really hit home. Thank you
I ordered your book on Amazon-can't wait to receive it.💗


I'm skinny, but I will be sharing this so more stand a chance to benefit from your video and your channel! Thank you so much for your precious activism, certainly a much needed contribution to help create a web of hope around the planet.


I love what you said and just what I needed to hear!! I’m going to get your book! Thx for all that you do!


Hi Chris,

I choked up and cried while seeing this video. I've been overweight since I was a pre-teen. My grandfather loved to over-feed me and load me up on tons of sweets. I come from a country of scarcity so when we came here to the US he gave me TOO much of things that lead me up to the point I am today which is addicted to sweets and comfort food. I have had more years overweight/obese than not at the age of 29 and well since I'm likeable and fairly decent looking its been something I care about deeply but have hidden and pretended I don't for a very long time.

As you said, shame is personal and internal. I purchased a rebounder not too long ago and am working myself up to 20 minutes a day and am hoping that this will help. I also have to take responsibility for what I put in my mouth because even though I am vegan there is more and more vegan processed food showing up everywhere.

Thank you for the reminder and for what you do. Can't wait to read your book! Right now I'm reading a couple of books by Dan Buettner - yours will be next for sure.

Lots of love and appreciation.



Think or feel not whether you’re fat or skinny... just eat very healthy


Thank you Chris, you just tell us the truth.


Oh I forgot to send my receipt in for the Kitchen Master Class!!!! Is it too late???


Love your videos and messages chris, but from my understanding the body positivity movement is less about body health and more about mental health. Most of the people in the movement once were anorexic or had some kind of disorder associated with food and are trying to love their bodies without starving. They are against diet culture mainly and believe this is how their bodies are when eating a standard diet. The problem is the standard diet. I find the movement encouraging because some of us have a very hard time with weight and do all the right things. I have a problem with the side of the movement that encourages bad habits.
Anyway not hating on you at all, I love your content just thought i'd share another perspective.


Just to note, there are other reasons people are overweight or underweight. That would be a sluggish, dirty liver. I’ve see people who eat super healthy but can’t lose weight and vice versa.
