The Real Danger of Sola-Fide | #orthodox #protestant #christian #religion

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Whats more narrow than to be saved by someone elses love???? A proud man cannot enter!


Mere Its the object of ones faith! He paid in full for you! Its not how much faith! But his death satisfied the wrath of GOD for you! You best rest your your whole confidence in this one good mans death that did not deserve to die for you who does deserve to die! Repentence: change of mind! Your righteousness or jesus’s! Better believe on the one who already paid in full for you! On the cross one of the last things jesus said was tetelesti which translated is transaction complete! He is GOD’s redeemer! He paid in full for you! Believe it! Yes! Solo fedi! Solely by faith! Faith in GOD’s HOLY love offering on your behalf!


Do you have the correct understanding of repentance? Are you able to turn from sin? You dont need to be saved? You need mercy! You deserve judgement! But you can be saved by faith in the finished work of jesus! You can have his righteousness for your account instead of your sin account! You must realize your TOTAL depravity need GOD’s mercy and rest your whole confidence on the finished work of jesus on the cross! He is GOD’s HOLY substitute! You had better believe it! It may go against your natural inclination but keep looking on him! Keep drawing near! You will certainly be rewarded! You must be saved! Jesus accomplished salvation in his death by being your redeemer! Its his death that saves!!!! When you believe! Be saved by his love for
