Waves Of Life

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Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Tim o Leary said numerous timee: only the surfer has truly achieve peace in this world. They navigate in real time, while cherishing a 10 sec ride. Then get out and feel reborn


I feel most at peace while riding my motorcycle and it feels a lot like this. There's a presence of mind in traffic, and there's a presence of mind on the open road. Both are intense and cherished in different ways. You'd get sick of either if it was only one kind of ride everytime, hence every ride is unique, and you live only in the moment with your hand on the throttle and eyes forward.


Exactly. It took me a while to understand that but yes, I'm now aware that people who are more enlightened are not above everyone else and not above life, they just suffer differently or suffer less from the crap in life through their approach to it. 💚 Teal put that wonderfully into words, especially the part of people trying to teach you to get out of the water.


"Stop trying to get out of the water" - perfect.


Enlightenment is getting clear and present in the moment and then being honest with yourself and not using your ego to project out. Ie: you did this to me is projection. I personally don’t like this situation is not projection and then taking responsibility for yourself and choosing to walk away from unhelpful situations is the analogy I use. Freedom and self responsibility are two sides of the same coin. I am. That is all.


Life's a lot like surfing, it takes a keen eye and a good sense of balance, discernment, readiness and fortitude as when you get caught in the impact zone, you’ve got no choice but to just get back up and keep going because you never know what the next wave may bring or how far it will take you. Practice makes intentional wave crashes perfect!


Whoa I had that exact picture once in church. I was singing and suddenly saw myself climbing a mountain and it was all great and I thought "what a nice picture I got today" but then I slipped and fell and slided and slided all the way down into the ocean, I was under water and swirled around and I didn't like that picture at all but I felt I had to accept it. So when I finally came to this acceptance, I felt god really really near me, his hand around me (and he had been there the whole time) and I could with his help get to the surface and start surfing on the waves of this ocean. This strong picture changed my perception of the hardships that came after that and helped me a lot. Instead of fighting against them I kinda found a balance in accepting them and the fact that I am in this water but also finding a way to surf (and surfing means sometimes you fall into the water and then get back up again, that's totally okay), knowing all the time God is near me, under water and when surfing. Instead of feeling like a viktim and fighting all the time, I learned and healed so much while going this way throught the hardships and I grew a lot.


This is so correct. We're having to de-condition from spiritual practices and this masculine point of view of over powering and hiding from material life


Yes I love this analogy ❤ the more light flooding my cells going through tower moments 24/7 is to completely surrender there is no judgment there is just unconditional love the more I surrender the more the tower moments become true enlightenment to a beautiful imperfect story Iam observing consciously moment to moment! There is no right or wrong there just is, I believe when a soul reaches true enlightenment of totality it’s to embrace the dark and light within them holding no judgment just unconditional love just being is a gift I love you. I’m not perfect no one is I go up and down on this roll coaster of life but I now surrender to it yes I will get stung that is life to feel to evolve our soul 🙏🏾❤️‍🩹❤️⭐️ love and light beautiful souls


Surf the wave 🌊 and become part of the wave and flow as the real surfing is not apposing the force but enjoy and direct your self as the only thing anyone has control of is there reaction to what is and not stress, fight or try and control what is impossible to do so, it is what it is flow and be kind


"Better at surfing" I just love you teal


Currently in a trough. I'm aware of and accept it. I feel the feelings without judgement or fight. I have faith I will rise again and all of it continues to weave the perfect tapestry of my life.


help others get above the waves.
learn to take self out.
do the next right thing.


It's interesting that my sense of grounding is acknowledge the evil and explain without condemnation.


Is that why water has always been my grounding element. Im highly spiritual. And the waves have always been one of my favorite places on this planet.


This is so so good, thank you! I'm honestly tired of being in resistance to life (or to death, but I feel more resistance to life) and I'm open to end the getting out of the water pattern, to have a new, more real and harmonious relationship to contrast, so help me God 🙏❤️‍🔥🙏


Great visual "get you out of the water" and overall pointing out an important viewpoint


This is why I like and listen to Teal Swans understanding of the world. My main quarrel with is this type of spirit practice is that "I am God, I am an extension of God(This one I agree with), and therefore I equal with God."
For many complex reasons, I have never felt this to feel right in my soul (Not logically or emotionally.)


Teal I could listen to you all day, you make so much sense xx❤🤝🌹


Teal this was just sublime so grateful for it truly thank you for existing love you
