Donate Life Salutes Navsari’s Youngest Cadaver Organ Donor Aanya Hareshkumar Dagaya of Age 12.

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Donate Life Salutes Navsari’s Youngest Cadaver Organ Donor Aanya Hareshkumar Dagaya of Age 12.
Salute to her family members for saying Yes to Organ Donation. From Navsari first ever heart was donated along with Kidney, Liver, Pancreas and Corneas of 12 year girl Aanya Hareshkumar Dagaya from INS Plus Multi Super Speciality Hospital through Donate Life.
Late Aanya Hareshkumar Dagaya (age 12) family gave new lease of lives to seven persons by donating Heart, Kidney, Liver, Pancreas and Corneas of Aanya age 12 after doctors declared her brain dead.
Along with this donations till date Donate Life has successfully contributed to donation of 1242 organs and tissue with 506 Kidney, 221 Liver, 52 Heart, 48 Lungs, 9 Pancreas, 1 Intestine, 4 Hands and 401 Corneas giving new lease of life and vision to 1142 organ failure patients in our country and globe.
We are very much thankful to Doctors and Managment of INS Plus Multi Super Speciality Hospital Navsari for their wholehearted support to this noble cause.
We are very much thankful to Navsari City & Rural Police, Surat Rural & City Police, Various city & rural police of our State for providing Green Corridor.
#DonateLife #StayInformed #DonateOrgan #OrganDonation #LifeSaver #SottoGujarat #NOTTO #nileshmandlewala #JPNadda #RushikeshPatel #PMOIndia #cmogujarat #LiverDonation #KidneyDonation #EyeDonation #Greencorridor #ShareYourSpare #OrganTransplant #RegisterAsADonor #અંગદાનમહાદાન #અંગદાનજીવનદાન #MoHFWGUJARAT #MoHFWINDIA #Surat #Gujarat #india #Givehope
Salute to her family members for saying Yes to Organ Donation. From Navsari first ever heart was donated along with Kidney, Liver, Pancreas and Corneas of 12 year girl Aanya Hareshkumar Dagaya from INS Plus Multi Super Speciality Hospital through Donate Life.
Late Aanya Hareshkumar Dagaya (age 12) family gave new lease of lives to seven persons by donating Heart, Kidney, Liver, Pancreas and Corneas of Aanya age 12 after doctors declared her brain dead.
Along with this donations till date Donate Life has successfully contributed to donation of 1242 organs and tissue with 506 Kidney, 221 Liver, 52 Heart, 48 Lungs, 9 Pancreas, 1 Intestine, 4 Hands and 401 Corneas giving new lease of life and vision to 1142 organ failure patients in our country and globe.
We are very much thankful to Doctors and Managment of INS Plus Multi Super Speciality Hospital Navsari for their wholehearted support to this noble cause.
We are very much thankful to Navsari City & Rural Police, Surat Rural & City Police, Various city & rural police of our State for providing Green Corridor.
#DonateLife #StayInformed #DonateOrgan #OrganDonation #LifeSaver #SottoGujarat #NOTTO #nileshmandlewala #JPNadda #RushikeshPatel #PMOIndia #cmogujarat #LiverDonation #KidneyDonation #EyeDonation #Greencorridor #ShareYourSpare #OrganTransplant #RegisterAsADonor #અંગદાનમહાદાન #અંગદાનજીવનદાન #MoHFWGUJARAT #MoHFWINDIA #Surat #Gujarat #india #Givehope