Community Garage Sale Book Haul!!

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Hello Friends!

I'm not sure if you have these where you live, but we have annual community garage sales in our area, where the whole weekend everyone in town holds their garage sales! I made a stop at only two places this year, (one was the library's sale!) and found a few goodies to add to my collection!

I hope you enjoy seeing the finds! Let me know in the comments if you have read any of these and what you thought!

Take care!

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I love that the library had a sale!! I've found my favorite books at all time randomly at the library. This is great haul, I LOVE that collection of Hans Christian Andersen!


Hi, Cammie! What a great haul! The only one I've read is Planet of the Apes (love the original movies!). I don't want to give away anything. You'll have to let us know your thoughts once you've read it. I need to expand my horizons and read some of the other titles. 🙂I hope you have a great week!


ooo the Canterbury tales is one of my favorites, and the death of mr mcginty was pretty good, its been awhile since I read it though haha. and i definitely need the collection of Anderson. such a good haul! :0
