TikTok Style Aesthetics & Personal Identity ☆ How to Find Your Own Style

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Get in lovers, we're unpacking our identity formation around fashion.
The way that I dress has always caused me anxiety, and I've been unpacking how I can feel more confident in my clothes without over consuming or overspending. TikTok style aesthetics are fun, but I wanted to call out the intersections that these internet trends have with our own identities/how we present ourselves to the world. I would love to hear your thoughts! xx

00:00 Intro
01:13 Unpacking my relationship with my clothes
03:30 Reflecting + Questions to ask before buying
07:55 My thoughts on identity
09:45 Clothing Try-on (my favorite pieces)
12:30 You are enough! (closing thoughts)

Background info ★彡
⊹ ࣪ ˖ General Info ⊹ ࣪ ˖
Born and raised on Hawaii Island. Now located in Honolulu, Hawaii.
I am Native Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, French & English.
I am a June Gemini. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧♊︎

Subscribers: 261 lovely community members (!! wow !!)
#tiktokaesthetic #deinfluencing #tryonhaul2024 #personalstyle #styletrends #hunteriskindacool #honolulu
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Hi lovely humans! Thank you for being here. I'm still learning to organize my thoughts so thank you for sticking with me through this video! Gone are the days of being smooth brained, we are THINKING CRITICALLY!!

I also wanted to call out that my thoughts in this video are from my own experience/pov and would love to add nuance to this conversation with your thoughts/experiences here in the comments section!


Please bring more videos.... U have added valuable content to my internet surfing... ❤❤


This is so good! I really needed this today. Last year, my apartment burned down, which I never thought would happen to me. And I lost all of my clothing. I wanted to just dismiss clothing as something I'd lost because it didn't really seem to be important enough to warrant any grief. But I became so uncomfortable without the clothing I'd curated over years, and began to appreciate it more as what it did for my sense of self. I really like this message, and look forward to watching more of your content <3


Thanks!! Great video! Realising all the waste induced by fashion should really make us think twice about our consumption


Hi Hunter!
I loved all the ideas and thoughts you brought up. It really made me reflect on my own consumption habits (basically since I left “home”).

It was really valuable to connect with makers and craftspeople and see my purchases as a means to support small businesses (aka help them reach their dreams). I’ve always been a sentimental person so I often overthink how I want to show up in this world and how I hope to impact people. I felt so connected shopping (almost exclusively) at small businesses for gifts, personal care, and clothing and accessories. Sometimes irregardless of whether something was my style I’d feel pulled to purchase based on their story or because it was innovative or cute. I was definitely over consuming. I tend to novelty seek because of my lack of dopamine. I’d go to every single night market or small business event and walk home with an empty wallet and an overflowing level of dopamine. It was kind of a bad cycle for me if I’m being transparent.

There was also a lump in my throat whenever I bought at big box stores. I would shame myself for supporting big box stores even though financially that’s what I could afford. I was also fatigued from having to figure out whether they support x, y, and z. I never want anyone (or myself) to shame themselves for shopping at big box stores if that is what they can afford. It is a privilege to be able to choose where we shop. We can still be mindful of how much we consume and I think that’s a way to participate in slowing down consumption and not participating in capitalism as well. Taking back the agency to choose why I am purchasing what I am purchasing when I am able to. Just a little reflection that came up while processing.

As for identity and presentation.. 👀
I have spent so much time perplexed and trying to understand presentation. I can agree that it totally has an effect on my mood. Gender presentation and gender identity are such an individual experience and I think that clothing, accessories, body modification, etc. can really be a fun, approachable way to look the way you feel on the inside. Personally I struggle to find clothing that meet my sensory needs (itchy fabrics, too tight, etc.) so even though I love self expression through presentation I try not to lean into it too much myself. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t found pieces that check all of those boxes yet. But I’m definitely trying things on when I see something that has the potential!

Now that I have experience working for small local businesses (retail, non-profit, and stationery/pop culture) I have a more “balanced” understanding of the humanness and business that goes behind operating a small local business. It helps me to make decisions and if I don’t find anything to purchase at the time, sometimes I’ll try to write their business down and what and why I was interested on a paper. Or I’ll just share that I love what they’re doing and sharing.

Thanks for prompting so many thoughts for me to process. This was a cool video!!

- Krissy ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡


this is so underrated, i love your editing style so much<3


You (and this video) showed up in my recommendations just now and I'm so glad that that happened! I loved this video and your vibe! Thank you for this video and for sharing your thoughts on this topic! :) Looking forward to watch more stuff from you moving forward. Have a wonderful week!


I'll be honest, I'm really surprised your channel isn't bigger.

Disclaimer, haven't finished the video yet, so if you've already said this stuff, sorry-
Anways, my thoughts & experiences:

Just turned 20, feeling sometimes like I'm just floundering around in life. But other times, I know what I need to do, so I try to just do it. That's why it's so difficult for me in the context of self expression, I have a idea of who I am, but I'm not sure. Always tried to just stick myself in a box/label, because it's so much easier to do that, than to step out of the box.

You see so many people online telling people what they should do, what they should look like, and if they don't, then they're the problem. I think this fuels over consumption too. We all desperately want to fit in with some group of people, to a certain extent. But, if we continue to just trying "fit it" with a group or subculture, I don't think we're truly expressing our individuality; More like supressing it and our creativity, in hopes of catering to other people.

Btw, I think you should create a discord. I would discussing topics like this and I think others would too.


this showed up in my recommendations and i´m gla, really enjoyed the video <3 and what is the song during the try-on called?
