Going Uphill by Bike Without Getting Tired 📐 🚴🏼♀️ 🤔

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2) These people go uphill without even pedaling, thanks to the world's first and only bicycle lift. Located in Norway, where 61% of the population uses bicycles, this lift was built in 1993. To use it, you simply place your foot on it and press a button, and it takes you up the hill at speeds of up to 7 kilometers per hour. Initially, it was a paid service, but after being rebuilt in 2013, its use became free. Although it may seem a bit tricky to use, it's better than being out of breath on a steep hill. And if your foot slips, the lift's weight sensors detect this and bring the lift back to get you, allowing you to try again as many times as needed
#CyclingUphill, #BikeEfficiency, #CyclingTips, #UphillCycling, #RideSmart, #CyclingTechniques, #BikingWithoutTiring, #CyclingHacks, #CyclingFitness, #BikeTraining, #CyclingLife, #UphillBikeRide, #CyclingSkills, #EnduranceCycling, #RideEffortlessly, #CyclingWorkout, #BicycleEfficiency, #CyclingInspiration, #UphillChallenge, #CyclingMotivation
#CyclingUphill, #BikeEfficiency, #CyclingTips, #UphillCycling, #RideSmart, #CyclingTechniques, #BikingWithoutTiring, #CyclingHacks, #CyclingFitness, #BikeTraining, #CyclingLife, #UphillBikeRide, #CyclingSkills, #EnduranceCycling, #RideEffortlessly, #CyclingWorkout, #BicycleEfficiency, #CyclingInspiration, #UphillChallenge, #CyclingMotivation