European Union Horizon2020: Training4CRM ITN. Cell-based therapies for neurodegenerative diseases.

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Horizon 2020 is the funding tool for research and development of the European Union, and one of the largest funding organization of research in the world. The Training4CRM project is a Horizon 2020-funded initial training network (ITN), which runs from 2016 to 2020. In this project, 15 PhD students and their supervisors are working at 9 academic or industrial organizations, as well as associated organizations, to develop new treatment options for Neurodegenerative Diseases, such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers or Huntingtons Disease. This research is an interception between the fields of regenerative medicine, cell biology, optogenetics, electronics and nanotechnology. This Video gives an overview of our work and the purpose of this project.

#Mariecurie #Horizon2020 #Training4CRM #T4CRM #EuropeanUnion #NeurodegenerativeDisease #CellTherapy #RegenerativeMedicine #TissueEngineering #NeuronalImplants
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Wish you all; Good luck. So happy to see you Afia Asif. 😍😍😍
