How to Edit 3D VIRAL REELS Like Keanu Visuals | After Effects tutorial

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#aftereffectstutorial #viralreels #motiondesign

Edit like Keanu Visuals Viral Reels Editing Tutorial in After Effects.
This tutorial is ideal for training and practicing in after effects and thus improving our skills with motion graphics, so if you, like me, are passionate about this animation technique, I invite you to take the step-by-step tutorial with me.

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🎵Ending song ► Just do it - RKVC

❤️Each of my tutorials is made with a lot of effort and love, leaving me a GOOD LIKE 👍 helps me a lot and encourages me to continue creating and sharing animations as fun as these.

Thank you all!❤️

Skip to the part of the video that interests you the most:
00:00 How to Edit 3D VIRAL REELS Like Keanu Visuals
00:20 After effects tutorial
00:24 Follow me on Patreon
00:45 Order Script by @zavatmotion
02:09 My editing course❤️
02:50 Import and animate 3D model after effects
06:01 Create and animate camera 3D
25:17 Shapes loop animation
54:02 Add effects
56:49 Final result
56:57 Thanks for watching!
Рекомендации по теме

🤔Do you like this voice for English tutorials? I read you


Hola! you are a genius! You guys actually teach actual techniques and workflows and not just 'drag and drop effects salad'. I have learnt a lot from you. Thanks for being out there for us.


Much needed tutorial, it's amazing.


Again another great video! Could you please make a video teaching how to sound design? I mean, how to position the sound into a video to match the music with the emotions and moments of tension of the imagery?


I think you forgot that particles above bg on collaboration seen
And that seen is like to a little pop but you but you didn't mentioned in this tutorial. and it would be very helpful if you add a sound sfx part on tutorials.
Great man keep it up
Love from Bangladesh🎉❤


Compre el curso y esta muy bien a detalle aunque quiero admitir que esta un poco difícil ir a la par con tu edición porque yo soy un principiante en AF.
Yo sigo con mi postura, creo que tu haces los mejores tutoriales de AF aunque ahora te enfoques mas en la comunidad de habla ingles pues para mi no hay ningún problema.
Si me permites una sugestión, me gustaría mucho estudiar un tutorial tuyo donde combines la edición entre Premier Pro y AF para que le agregaras efectos de sonido y musica de fondo, seria genial!
Muchas gracias por todo, haces un trabajo de calidad! 💯


Thanks for the English Version! U are so great!


شكرا جزيلا يا أخي عمل رائع ، كل الحب وفائق الاحترام


Wow what an amazing video, bro please next time upload a video how to edit like houston kold.
There are some tutorial video about houston kold but they are very fast when they show us how to edit but your video are very detailed even in the easy part and that why we love you❤❤.
And by the way i lile your interactions with your viewers in the comments.


La voz se oye muy bien coach, super feliz con sus tutoriales y curso gracias gracias 🙏💯


just finished it! I learned a lot of things in these tutorial. Brother can you please share those elements you use in these video?


Your original voice is fine. Thats your identity! But its your choice so I respect it.

Edit: maybe clone your original voice and use text to speech for your own voice. That would be awesome.


sir i like your videos. Your videos is such amazing. Please make tutorials in english language because some people understand easily. love you


Please make like this tutorial. Can you please make a step-by-step tutorial for after effects from beginner to pro. It would be very helpful. 🙃🙃😉


boss, can you teach where to get those editing assets? i think its very important thing to talk about


bro put more and more and more in English, you're a amazing man


Voice is so odd. Your old voice os much good. When you are in your original sound we also feel your deep motivation which is not seen in this video. 😢 Btw affriciating to your effort ❤❤


can you please share for the next tutorials, the raw items to practice or do it with you at the same time


Hola Vane, me he quedado fascinado con tus videos. Al punto que llevo dos dias seguidos imitando tus ediciones. Muchisimas gracias por poner los assets de gratis man eres un crack. Te queria comentar que quiero comprar tu curso, pero tengo una duda: en el course explicas paso a paso qué hace cada boton o simplemente vas como en los videos normales de youtube, donde dices aprieta aki aprieta alla, hacemos esto y hacemos aquello? Que sucede, yo quiero entender el rasonamiento del porque se usa cada boton y cuando usarlo, o si hay alguna alternativa u otra via de conseguir el mismo resultado, y la unica manera de entenderlo es sabiendo que hace cada boton, cada comando, cada herramienta que usas. Entonces la pregunta mas resumida es, es un indept course o mas bien el modo de explicacion es como en tus videos normales (tipo sigue lo que yo hago hasta que te lo aprendas de memoria)?. No tengo problema con la manera en que haces tu videos, aclaro, so lo que quisiese un poco mas de informacion. Gracias hermano y mantente subiendo contenida asi de bueno, eres un puto oasis en el desierto de youtube.


Beautiful! I also really like the animation at minute 0:30 0:33. Did you make a tutorial? Thank you, your channel is beautiful!
