How Will The Patch 9.5 Revert Affect The Game? - SMITE

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Horus is about to be the most dangerous tank in game


Honestly it feels like tanks aren't doing to well now after a couple games of playing full tank and just getting melted seriously quickly


I am very nervous as I never experienced pre-9.5…I don’t like change. Plus I’m a support that hates dying (I.e Charon main.)


i actually preferred the 9.5 changes, yeah it was harder to get kills esp early game but when you did it felt more rewarding imo because it meant you actually earned it instead of catching someone off guard and blowing them up before they can react, like winning a BR duel in Halo 3 vs getting a kill in CoD because you saw someone first and clicked on them for a quarter of a second.

but i definitely see why people didn't like it and the revert certainly doesn't ruin the game for me like 9.5 did for some people, i played for 6 years before that and still enjoyed the games i've played post revert so overall i think it's good they did it


I knew something was up. As a tank main I really hate this change. On some gods it doesn’t even feel worth it to build protections


Im very glad they aren't doing a full stat revert. I wasn't looking forward to getting oneshot by everything, especially as someone who JUST brought friends to the game, but a middleground could be fun :)


Ngl I'm thinking of dropping the game until 2 is finished. I never played prior to 9.5 so my perception is an "outside looking in" kinda deal and I gotta say this patch blows. Early game is insanely tense, one mistake and you lose lane, late is ACTUALLY insane, EVERYONE gets deleted so quickly that only tanks have enough time to react let alone win a fight they don't initiate. Not really sure what the "fix" is here but so far every game has been 10 or 50+ minutes and I just finished my eighth game. If this is what OG smite was actually like then that must've been a terrible time.


I will say one thing since the revert one thing i always hated about pre 9.5 smite was that if you were by yourself for just second you wiuld instantly die and be picked off easily late game was unskillful and was just stay close to your allies or your getting blasted into oblivion i dont know how i feel about this but early game is way more fun


As many others have said I am also very anxious about these changes, however I am looking forward to it as the last couple of years I have had many games where both teams were struggling to get kills and the matches would just drag on and on, not to mention all the tower camping, Emperor's Armor has pretty much become a core item for most of my tank builds...

I also believe it might be a little more worthwhile for tanks to buy damage and pen items since everyone is squishier and thus easier to kill, dont get me wrong I like pure tank builds but if I can't deal decent damage and be a threat to someone I don't feel very useful unless I'm playing a god that's supposed to be oriented to being pure support like Khepri or something.


I like the update things actually die now, supports aren't just cc bots that can't deal damage and don't need to worry about positioning. Warriors can't just 1v5 the enemy team, wet noodle them, and walk away. Early game is more tense too.


I would say that the 9.5 revert is meant to push extra wards early, then you have more invested into wards that fail because you got killed and people rush to do Gold Fury or dare i say BDK, which both grant exp and gold but you also get to clear wards. Also with the hp changes expect to see a few deaths to jungle creeps from people who are used to seeing an hp bar 10 picels wide and still clearing it before backing wind up dead because they looked at their hp bar, not the hp number.


I personally love the patch. I've played for years and the game did feel different after 9.5, I got used to it but the game still felt lacking almost. Now I played jungle and Actually killed on first tank, there were 6kills on the board in only 3mins, some games I dont see that till 20mins. And although snowball is increased (this felt great as I was the ball) it didn't entirely decide the game. I went out of position once and got punished hard, especially by the enemy mid which is definitely how it should be. Hunters got the biggest nerf from this but they still did huge damage to me, just now they could be run down and killed. Overall it feels fantastic and much more like the good old days, imma play more once the lag stops, yk fresh update and all that.


Idk how to feel about this. It is making me more excited to get into conquest matches and not have em push towards an hour every time. But on the other side I would have rather they added bruiser items back into the game than revert 9.5


i think that we shouldve kept a longer time to kill, makes me feel like i had more input in how the game goes.


I’m excited bc ah Puch solo can now be a bigger snowball early than he already was


It won’t be the same without hybrid items sadly


I stopped playing around 9.5. Now trying to learn the game again.


At high lvl game will maybe be more intresting but in low/mid elo its the worst change you can do. Casual Plat match is: 11-0 Awilix who playing for KDA, supp who runing away when hit for 50% hp cause he hates to die, and some solo mage who will watch you die without casting a spell and spam VC, and you on carry trying to at do at least something before you are jumped by some fafnir or any other tank/guardian who will ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISH YOU.

A lot of people will say: THEN POSITION YOURSELF BETTER. Better is where exactly? Where my abilities cant reach? or my autos not reaching enemies? Its already funny how proper support on lane can just come to ya, sneeze with 2 abilities and you lost 40%hp. He will give you 2-3 autos and now its 70% lost. And imagine you will have less hp, less protections but damage is not reduced. Its really what tank meta was in league and why they created meme about ADC IN 2k(Insert year number)LUL.

I dont think it a change for good. Its making game A LOT COINFLIPPY That its need to be.


I've been playing a lot this morning, and I've been having a blast. Games feel a lot more dynamic, and It feels more skill based than farm based. Outplaying your opponent and landing a clutch kill is better than staying under tower, spending 3 hours to kill a single wave, then going to a buff to spend another hour there, and then coming to lane, to repeat the process until one of the 2 laners gets ganked and pushed back into tower.


I liked it back before the tankening, but I wasn’t upset about the change. I am a fan of faster matches though
