LIVE!! Shiny Bellsprout after 32,793 REs (Steve FTQ #3)

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Brooke's Nom Nom 7/24/2021.
Huge apology for the ruined audio!!! I'm really annoyed about it. I just should never use the audio cord on the capture card. All it does it get unplugged and reset itself. Can't be trusted with it so just not worth. It sounds fine being recorded through the microphone anyway and I get to hear my Shinies actually sparkle. So annoyed.
Steve FTQ member number 3 is Nom Nom the Bellsprout. This took a few weeks because I've been working a lot and only hunting on weekends. Luckily, 3rd gen REs are super fast and really no big deal to go higher on. I'd much rather have a 30k+ 3rd gen RE hunt than pretty much anything else.
Huge apology for the ruined audio!!! I'm really annoyed about it. I just should never use the audio cord on the capture card. All it does it get unplugged and reset itself. Can't be trusted with it so just not worth. It sounds fine being recorded through the microphone anyway and I get to hear my Shinies actually sparkle. So annoyed.
Steve FTQ member number 3 is Nom Nom the Bellsprout. This took a few weeks because I've been working a lot and only hunting on weekends. Luckily, 3rd gen REs are super fast and really no big deal to go higher on. I'd much rather have a 30k+ 3rd gen RE hunt than pretty much anything else.