12-22 The Gift of the Holy Spirit

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Sermon: The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Series: Living in the Spirit
Introduction: The Greatest Gift
* The Christmas story is about God’s love demonstrated through the gift of Jesus Christ.
* Just as the angels proclaimed the arrival of peace and goodwill to shepherds, God’s ultimate plan was not only to save but also to dwell within us through the Holy Spirit.
* Christmas is a time of giving, and through the Holy Spirit, God gives us gifts that transform, empower, and guide us.
I. The Holy Spirit: A Promise Fulfilled
* Luke 2:11: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
* Jesus’ birth fulfilled the promise of redemption, paving the way for the gift of the Spirit.
* The miracle birth of Jesus through the Holy Spirit made the rebirth of mankind possible through the Holy Spirit.
* John 14:16-17: Jesus promised His disciples a Helper who would live with and in them, ensuring they were never alone.
* Just as the shepherds rejoiced at the news of Christ’s birth, we rejoice in the Spirit’s presence.
II. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit comes bearing gifts that enable us to live out the message of Christmas every day. Emanuel, God is with us! He is with us because He is in us when we serve others; we become His hands and feet as the body of Christ to manifest His presence all around us.
1. The Gift of Adoption
* Romans 8:15: “You have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”
* Through the Holy Spirit, we are made children of God, part of His family, and heirs of His promises.
* This adoption reflects the inclusiveness of the shepherds’ message—available to all who believe.
2. The Gift of Comfort and Peace
* John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”
* Just as the angels proclaimed peace on earth, the Spirit gives us an internal peace that surpasses all understanding, especially in trials.
3. The Gift of Guidance
* John 16:13: “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.”
* The wise men followed a star; today, we follow the Spirit, who illuminates God’s will and guides us in our decisions.
4. The Gift of Power
* Acts 1:8: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”
* Through the Spirit, we are empowered to live boldly for Him, spreading His message of salvation.
5. The Gift of Transformation
* Galatians 5:22-23: The fruit of the Spirit transforms us from within, reflecting Christ in our character.
* This inner transformation mirrors the miraculous nature of Christmas—a world forever changed by the Savior’s arrival.
III. The Spiritual Gifts in Scripture
In addition to these foundational gifts, the Holy Spirit equips us with unique gifts for ministry and service.
1. The Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)
* Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues.
* These gifts demonstrate the Spirit’s power in supernatural ways, enabling us to minister effectively to others.
2. The Gifts for Building the Church (Ephesians 4:7-13)
* Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.
* These leadership gifts equip the body of Christ for works of service and maturity in faith.
3. The Sevenfold Spirit (Isaiah 11:2-3)
* The Spirit of the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and Fear of the Lord.
* These attributes empower us to live godly lives and make decisions that align with God’s will.
4. The Motivational Gifts (Romans 12:3-8)
* Prophesying, Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Giving, Leading, and Showing Mercy.
* These gifts reflect the diversity of God’s design for His church, allowing every believer to contribute uniquely.
IV. Living in the Spirit: A Life of Overflowing Gifts
* As we receive these gifts, we are called to share them with others:
1. The Gift of Adoption leads us to welcome others into God’s family.
2. The Gift of Comfort equips us to comfort those in pain.
3. The Gift of Guidance helps us lead others to the truth.
4. The Gift of Power emboldens us to share the gospel.
5. The Spiritual Gifts enable us to build the church and fulfill our unique callings.
The Charge: Receiving and Sharing the Gift
* The angels’ proclamation of Christ’s birth reminds us that the most incredible gifts bring glory to God and benefit others.
* This Christmas, let us celebrate the Holy Spirit—the continuation of God’s gift of Emmanuel, “God with us.”
* As we embark on the Living in the Spirit Series, may we embrace His gifts and live a life that reflects His presence.
Praise Tabernacle
Dr. Joshua Kennedy, Pastor
2235 Ocean Heights
Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
(609) 927-4560(w),
Series: Living in the Spirit
Introduction: The Greatest Gift
* The Christmas story is about God’s love demonstrated through the gift of Jesus Christ.
* Just as the angels proclaimed the arrival of peace and goodwill to shepherds, God’s ultimate plan was not only to save but also to dwell within us through the Holy Spirit.
* Christmas is a time of giving, and through the Holy Spirit, God gives us gifts that transform, empower, and guide us.
I. The Holy Spirit: A Promise Fulfilled
* Luke 2:11: “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
* Jesus’ birth fulfilled the promise of redemption, paving the way for the gift of the Spirit.
* The miracle birth of Jesus through the Holy Spirit made the rebirth of mankind possible through the Holy Spirit.
* John 14:16-17: Jesus promised His disciples a Helper who would live with and in them, ensuring they were never alone.
* Just as the shepherds rejoiced at the news of Christ’s birth, we rejoice in the Spirit’s presence.
II. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit comes bearing gifts that enable us to live out the message of Christmas every day. Emanuel, God is with us! He is with us because He is in us when we serve others; we become His hands and feet as the body of Christ to manifest His presence all around us.
1. The Gift of Adoption
* Romans 8:15: “You have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”
* Through the Holy Spirit, we are made children of God, part of His family, and heirs of His promises.
* This adoption reflects the inclusiveness of the shepherds’ message—available to all who believe.
2. The Gift of Comfort and Peace
* John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”
* Just as the angels proclaimed peace on earth, the Spirit gives us an internal peace that surpasses all understanding, especially in trials.
3. The Gift of Guidance
* John 16:13: “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.”
* The wise men followed a star; today, we follow the Spirit, who illuminates God’s will and guides us in our decisions.
4. The Gift of Power
* Acts 1:8: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”
* Through the Spirit, we are empowered to live boldly for Him, spreading His message of salvation.
5. The Gift of Transformation
* Galatians 5:22-23: The fruit of the Spirit transforms us from within, reflecting Christ in our character.
* This inner transformation mirrors the miraculous nature of Christmas—a world forever changed by the Savior’s arrival.
III. The Spiritual Gifts in Scripture
In addition to these foundational gifts, the Holy Spirit equips us with unique gifts for ministry and service.
1. The Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)
* Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues.
* These gifts demonstrate the Spirit’s power in supernatural ways, enabling us to minister effectively to others.
2. The Gifts for Building the Church (Ephesians 4:7-13)
* Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.
* These leadership gifts equip the body of Christ for works of service and maturity in faith.
3. The Sevenfold Spirit (Isaiah 11:2-3)
* The Spirit of the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and Fear of the Lord.
* These attributes empower us to live godly lives and make decisions that align with God’s will.
4. The Motivational Gifts (Romans 12:3-8)
* Prophesying, Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Giving, Leading, and Showing Mercy.
* These gifts reflect the diversity of God’s design for His church, allowing every believer to contribute uniquely.
IV. Living in the Spirit: A Life of Overflowing Gifts
* As we receive these gifts, we are called to share them with others:
1. The Gift of Adoption leads us to welcome others into God’s family.
2. The Gift of Comfort equips us to comfort those in pain.
3. The Gift of Guidance helps us lead others to the truth.
4. The Gift of Power emboldens us to share the gospel.
5. The Spiritual Gifts enable us to build the church and fulfill our unique callings.
The Charge: Receiving and Sharing the Gift
* The angels’ proclamation of Christ’s birth reminds us that the most incredible gifts bring glory to God and benefit others.
* This Christmas, let us celebrate the Holy Spirit—the continuation of God’s gift of Emmanuel, “God with us.”
* As we embark on the Living in the Spirit Series, may we embrace His gifts and live a life that reflects His presence.
Praise Tabernacle
Dr. Joshua Kennedy, Pastor
2235 Ocean Heights
Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
(609) 927-4560(w),