I got to meet Nick Mason when I was working at a restaurant in the UK.
Such a humble guy.
I’m glad that some of the money that I spent on albums and concerts was spent wisely, instead of up someone’s nose.
Brian and Nick, born on opposite sides of the track joined as one by their love of cars. Both happen to be in just about my two favourite bands of all time too !
Please, post the complete videos, it would be an awesome show to watch during these hard times. Thank you! =]
I ran into Nick Mason a few years ago in Grapevine Texas... I didn't even know it was He was at a Gas Station and I pulled in to admire his car... it was an Orange Lamborghini and it had Pink Floyd across the rear hood cover... I thought it was such a stupid thing to have on a car that I didn't even mention it.... I just admired his car and thanked him for letting me look at it... I didn't realize it was him until three months later when I was watching you tube and saw a video of his car collection.... Then I was like holy *hit! I was talking to him at the gas I guess he probably enjoys going places where people don't recognize him... he can just be a normal
OMG I need to be adopted by Nick Mason. Brian we need a full video inside this garage 😍😍😍. Fair play to Nick for taking you out in that rubbish British weather. I bet the GTO was detailed within an inch of its life as soon as it was back in its garage😁
I'm loving these vids with Brian just hanging out with all these stars
Between the drums and the cars, Nick Mason probably holds the world record for most hours spent sitting in a lifetime !
Nick is one lucky man!! Not only in his career, but also his car collection!
Absolutely insane collection. And Brian Johnson is a nice surprise
Would love to see the whole tour of his garage, since both have been involved in auto racing as drivers! Life outside of music can be just as rewarding.
Nick Mason. what a life! Good for him and you too Brian! thank you both for the decades of entertainment! it made life worth living and is the sound track to so many peoples lives.
I saw Nick Masons saucer full of secrets tour in Buffalo, ny . It was an outstanding show.
Pink floyd to me are the best band of all time
Also remarkable, that my car collection is more valuable than the earnings from my songwriting.
Nick’s just like all of us he needs a bigger shed!
Great a channel combining my love of music and cars
Thank you for this video!!! Your Subsciber and Fan from Los Angeles Ca U.S.A!!!
Certainly one 9f my favorite all time rock bands so different so innovative a seriously talented group of musicians , the world seemed overwhelmed with great rock bands back in the day still these guys really stood out.
Incredible car collection, he's invested his money very wisely!! 👍😎