Dear Theodosia from Hamilton in Sign language (Not a Teacher) #broadway #songcover #asl #hamilton

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I danced ballet to this song!! It was giving me nostalgia ❤😢


Make sure your fingerspelling spells the full name and using the correct signs. Also please use ASL grammar structure. This is Sign Exact English. Which isn’t ASL. If you want to improve on interpreting songs, i recommend following the grammar structure for ASL. It’s very important in Deaf culture.


I’m confused, ASL is my second language but your signs and finger spelling are off a bit. Are you a teacher? Or Deaf? Just curious


The thing I hate about Hamilton, even though I love the songs, is that Alexander Hamilton was white and so were all of the Founding Fathers. It seems very anti-White of the Broadway musical to portray them all as black when we all know they could not have created the greatest nation in the history of the world. They tried that with Liberia, 🇱🇷, which has a flag almost identical to the USA, and has a Constitution which is almost identical to the USA. And it was a disaster. The Founding Fathers were some of the best white men that ever lived. The races are not interchangeable. I’m not blaming you Lola. You didn’t write the play.
