Open Mics With Dr. Stites: The Art of the Wish: What Would You Wish For the World?

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The University of Kansas Health System is treating a total of 21 COVID patients today, down from 26 yesterday. Other significant numbers:
5 with the active virus today, 9 yesterday
2 in ICU, 3 yesterday
0 on ventilator, same as yesterday
16 hospitalized but out of acute infection phase, 17 yesterday
Key points from today’s guests:

John Carney, president and CEO, Center For Practical Bioethics

Described organization as helping apply ethics to the field of medicine and healthcare
COVID has raised many ethical questions, especially when it comes to caring for vaccinated and unvaccinated patients
First obligation as healthcare providers is to make sure you are not judging patients but offering the best available care to everybody
COVID revealed a need to take better care of people who are vulnerable
Andy Newcom, artist

Vulnerable people the focus of exhibit called “Art of the Wish” at the Leedy-Voulkos Art Center in the Crossroads
Asked more than 200 older adults across the country, “What would you wish for the world?”
From their conversations, they created more than 50 works of art depicting these wishes for the world
Two of the pieces will be donated for a raffle
Marn Jensen, artist

The art underscores the Center’s role in protecting the interests of those whose voices have not been heard or heeded
Many works focus on the theme of doctors and caregivers remembering to take a minute to stop and listen, especially to older patients
Exhibit has been four years in the making
Exhibit debuts May 12 at Center For Practical Bioethics Annual Event
Dana Hawkinson, MD, medical director of Infection Prevention and Control

National COVID cases continue to climb
The safest way to immunity continues to be through vaccination, though you can get some limited immunity from getting the virus itself
Nasal spray vaccines are in development
Steve Stites, MD, chief medical officer, The University of Kansas Health System

Heat map of United States shows more dark orange this week rather than yellow, signifying a surge in COVID cases
Doctors must remember they are caregivers, not judges, when it comes to treating all patients equally
Received a Regional Leadership Award from the Mid-America Regional Council live during the program. Honored for bringing together medical leadership and helping coordinate critical care when hospital resources were limited due to high COVID numbers. David Warm, director of MARC and Janee’ Hanzlick, vice chair of MARC board of directors and a Johnson County commissioner presented the award.
Wednesday, April 27 at 8:00 a.m. is the next Morning Medical Update. You may be shocked to find out how much sugar you eat every day. But rest assured food makers know. It’s called the “bliss point,” and they know how much to add to make us keep coming back for more. Our experts will tell us why too much sugar is bad and how to keep from eating so much.
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A very gracious acceptance of an extremely well deserved award.

Thanks for all that the team does.

I'm a non medical viewer in London England and I watch your podcasts as well as TWiV to keep me properly informed of the situation.
