Airbattleship - AoG Constabulary Building Journal EP6 - From the Depths

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The Army of Gmodism desperately needs a military police force in From the Depths; The AoG Constabulary! This is exactly what we are making for Admiral Scoobyrocks12345 who has requested this by giving some great name suggestions like the "Sheriff" that made me quickly get a nice idea for what type of fleet we should build as the reward and token of respect we give to longtime supporters of the channel at the highest level!

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GMODISM is a gaming and tech channel about engineering, creativeness and immersive gameplay experiences. We solve problems and show you how-to in games and with technology to get the best results! Make all your friends become gmodists and learn with us, experience the best gameplay and come along as we invent awesome designs and projects.
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flying warship are definitely my favorite to build because I feel like I get less bogged down on trying to mimic something that's "realistic" and just have more fun with it. But I can't build something that massive either lol. For some reason, I like to build compact.


Its really nice seeing the progress of this mega construction.


I would like to see the process for programming the AI controls. Im really struggling to make my hover ive made circle around but face the enemy also.
It wants to ether circle broadside or sit still or frontside going back & forward. I have no idea how to do breadboards to make it do as i want like ive seen others do.


would be nice if you could do a video about how to do the complex control for your jets


I guess you could stream yourseulf building those but i highly doubt anyone is going to stick arround for those time scales
