Beware! The Scariest Animals You Don’t Want To Meet Cycling! | GCN Show Ep. 506

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The Wollongong 2022 World Championships kicked off this past weekend with the time trial, and whilst both the men’s and women’s events were thrilling, news of Vuelta champion Remco Evenepoel having a near miss with a magpie made the headlines. This made us think, what are the most dangerous animals to cyclists? Cows? Birds? Sea slugs?

00:00 Intro
00:30 This Week in Cycling
02:49 Cycling’s Most Dangerous Animals
09:43 Cillian Kelly Update
10:56 Cycling Shorts
15:42 Hack/Bodge
21:38 Caption Competition
23:25 Comments of the Week
25:59 Coming Up

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What is the most terrifying encounter you’ve had with wildlife when riding your bike? Let us know in the comments below! 💬


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🎵 Music - licensed by Epidemic Sound 🎵
Bird Squawk Indoor 2 - SFX Producer
Cool Cat Alley - Alvaro Antin
Cow Moo 1 - SFX Producer
Crickets Chirp 2 - SFX Producer
Let It Breathe (Instrumental Version) - Adelyn Paik
The Clearing - Golden Anchor
Afternoon Swing - Five Dime Fellas
EqualX - Gregory David
Lilacs - [ocean jams]
Power Drill Rev 3 - SFX Producer

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Рекомендации по теме

What is the most terrifying encounter you’ve had with wildlife when riding your bike?


You think my recent magpie encounter was terrifying!? That's nothing compared to the time when an adult grizzly bear chased after me down a road and even scratched my rear bag! I had so much adrenaline running through my body that it felt like I was weightless for the rest of the day! 🤪


Magpie swooping season has started here in Australia, when Magpies are nesting and get very territorial, and although the sight of a moose would be very scary, there is nothing quite like riding along an Australian road and suddenly hearing the whir of wings, the clicking of a beak or worse, feeling that beak attacking your ear - it's quite an experience.


I was about 25 miles into a gravel ride and stopped for a short break near the Snake River in Idaho. I leaned my bike against a telephone pole, walked a couple steps away and heard the tell-tale rattling of a snake. I looked back and a rattle snake was curling up right under my bottom bracket! Took an extra long walk along the road, returned to the bike and couldn't see the snake. I then slowly approached the rear wheel and rolled the bike back toward me. Then the rattling commenced and quickly yanked the bike away in a panic! Luckily the snake decided not to attack and slithered away. Glad I didn't die that day.


On my CX it’s always the people who let their dogs right in front of you when you’re clipped in. I’ve been over a couple of times and they were both due to out of control dogs. I don’t blame the animals, but I do blame the people. They also never apologise.


Brilliant chemistry between these two. Sometimes it can be a bit awkward between the hosts. These two are absolute pro's


“Thought that was you and then I looked above the ankles.” Si laughs, but sometimes I wonder if he is crying on the inside…


#CaptionCompetition GCN: "What is the most terrifying encounter you’ve had with wildlife when riding your bike?" Nikias: "Oh boy, it was 2022, I was at the Worlds in Australia, there was this yellow


Years ago, on a rural ride near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, a dog came out from behind a hedge at full speed without barking. I got in a couple of quick pedal strokes before he slammed into my rear wheel. I made my escape, but had to get off the bike down the road. The dog hit my wheel so hard that he cracked the rim around 2 spoke holes. I had to release the rim brakes and phone home for a ride at the next opportunity (happened before I owned a cell phone - yes, I'm old).


Agree with the former Alaskan, I live in Canada, and a moose is a creature you do not want to cross, especially if their calves are nearby! The group did a quick u-turn. I wasn't scared, but I passed two mates that were!


Few years back, a horse came out of nowhere and jumped over the fence and started running alongside me on the road. I was so scared that I stopped my bike. The horse stopped a little bit further and he turned around facing me in the middle of the road. I didn't know what to do. My heart was beating really hard and I was out of breath. But lucky me, a car was coming from the opposite direction and the driver uses his horn to scare the horse. Good for me, it works. But the horse did enter in the backyard of a small house. Never mind, I got back on my bike and got out of there.
Guy, from Canada.


Okay, I stopped doing bodges. I only do hacks…not interested in the negative, but very interesting in encouraging others.



Both I and my wife have been brought down by cats. One tried to cross the road at full tilt through my front wheel - I went over the bars, hit my head and ended up a quadriplegic for a week and even now over 30 years later have problems with moving - luckily I'd just bought a helmet for commuting or I might not be writing this. The real tragedy was that I had to miss the Himalayan trek we were training for and give up my passion for dinghy racing and sailing in general.

My wife had a similar experience whilst riding home from work and broke her collar bone which is still a very peculiar shape.


I've been swooped by Magpies in Australia (this time of year). They apparently particularly target cyclists. I've been hit on the helmet, they also loudly click their beaks when they hit. My partner has had her face scratched. Also, when cycling in sugar cane country I've ridden on roads covered in fallen branches, only to see some of them move just as I ride by. They are deadly venemous snakes warming themselves on the tarmac. Very hard to distinguish from sticks. So I didn't want to cycle those roads any more.


Here in SW Florida I have had the experience of seeing an adult deer, running directly at me at full speed, obviously spooked by something. It veered off at the last second. I also had to bunny hop a 6 or 7 foot rattlesnake who was sleeping peacefully on, and totally blocking, our rail trail. He was the thickness of a motorcycle tire, and appeared to have just eaten something (rabbit?) as he was quite lethargic and hardly responded when I went over him. I have also seen mountain lions twice, but they ignored me. So, counterintuitively, the most terrifying experience was Bambi!


I'm with Si on cows being scary. Nothing but Beady Eyed Killers. Many a moutainbike route was extended due to detouring around herds of the bovine assassins


Cows? That cracks me up every time! Living in Texas, it is the Boar that I have concerns with encountering


My most dangerous experience did not happen, while riding a bike, but while cross country skiing.
It happened in Sweden at early springtime, when snow is melting during a day, but then freezing again during a night. I was out with my skis; track was icy and fast. On one descent, where my speed was about 45 km/h there was suddenly a moose standing on the track. It was obvious, that I could not do anything for not to hit it, except screaming, and that exactly I did while also thinking, how it feels, when my hands will have a contact to it and how could I avoid its powerful legs. When distance left to it was about 3 meters it suddenly jumped away. On my next lap, I was extra slow and careful on that descent and stopped on that spot. There were four half a meter’s deep holes left in the snow, where that moose was standing before.


I got chased down and attacked by a tumbleweed once. I was riding on a hot Oklahoma day. My glasses had a lot of sweat on them. I looked across the road and saw a brown shape on an intercept course. At first I thought it was a brown dog. Then I realized it was rolling and not running. It was a tumbleweed. Funny thing was, I slowed down, and it slowed down. I went faster, and it went faster. I stopped and it stopped. Figuring I could out sprint a tumbleweed, I gunned it. It went faster too, and caught me. The weed exploded when it hit my bike, and I had bloody scratched legs. Fortunately, the bike was fine.


The mockery on Si's face when Dan said wasp 🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌
