'The Hindu' Analysis for 15th November, 2019 (Current Affairs for UPSC/IAS)

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In this lecture, we discuss the important news articles for 15th November, 2019. The aspirants are advised to watch the entire video lecture for better understanding. Follow the link to read the Comprehensive News Analysis as well.

1. SC dismisses pleas to review Rafale ruling, raps Rahul
2. CBI can probe Rafale deal: judge (Lalita Kumari Case): 5:02
3. Sabarimala case: larger Bench to decide role of courts in religion (Article 25): 9:05
4. Review and reference (Article 26): 14:45
5. India’s requests for Facebook user data rising sharply (Data Localisation): 17:47
6. MHA tells CIC it doesn’t recognise any police force association (IPS Association): 21:49
7. India is home to 77 million diabetics: 23:58
8. Back from the brink (Measles): 27:29
9. ‘Terror batters world economy’ (BRICS Summit, NDB, CRA): 29:25
10. Brazilian President to be R-Day chief guest: 29:25
11. India and China to hold border talks: 30:15
12. Practice Questions(Pamba River, Type II Diabetes): 30:33


Read PIB gist here:


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The Video Lecture covers the detailed analysis of the Daily Newspaper. All the important articles and editorials of 'The Hindu' are covered strictly from the UPSC/IAS examination point of view.
The Video Lecture can be helpful for aspirants appearing for Bank PO/IBPS/CAT/SSC and other competitive examinations.

Understand the complete UPSC/IAS Syllabus here

Happy Learning!
Рекомендации по теме

1. SC dismisses pleas to review Rafale ruling, raps Rahul
2. CBI can probe Rafale deal: judge (Lalita Kumari Case): 5:02
3. Sabarimala case: larger Bench to decide role of courts in religion (Article 25): 9:05
4. Review and reference (Article 26): 14:45
5. India’s requests for Facebook user data rising sharply (Data Localisation): 17:47
6. MHA tells CIC it doesn’t recognise any police force association (IPS Association): 21:49
7. India is home to 77 million diabetics: 23:58
8. Back from the brink (Measles): 27:29
9. ‘Terror batters world economy’ (BRICS Summit, NDB, CRA): 29:25
10. Brazilian President to be R-Day chief guest: 29:25
11. India and China to hold border talks: 30:15
12. Practice Questions(Pamba River, Type II Diabetes): 30:33


Indian Constitution is the law of the land, which provides unity in diversity, binds us as a nation first which is much above the religion, yet India being home to people of multiple ethnicity we are provided with Art 25 which gives Individual right to worship, at the same time provides Art 26 which gives religious groups to enjoy freedom to manage their religious affairs.
Art 14 which is the right to equality is more general and open which provides protection of individual right to any descrimination on ground of religion, place of birth, sex, or race.Clealrly judicial intrepretion of Art 14 comes in way of Art 25 and Art 26, which are enjoyed subject to reasonable restrictions like Public order, moral and public health..That implies reliogious affairs need to pass the test of right to equality..In the current scenerio the decision of Supreme court of India to refer its earlier judgement of upholding the Right to equality over descriminatory religious practice to refer it to a larger 7 judge bench has left the window open for religious preachers to justify other simiar practices in the name of their culture and practics.
Supreme Court of India must come up with an order to strike balance between conflicting Fundamental rights and provide a minimum human standard to be maintained in any religious practices which is more relevant at present and certainly above any orthodox evil practices..


Best news analysis channel on youtube✌️ sir u explain all the content in such lucid language which gives us clarity of that particular topic.. thanku sir and byjus for this commendable work👍


Last 3 days analysis is extraordinary.these analysis make me more comfort on polity section of our syllabus accompany with current affairs.


Diabetes---- when pancreas does not produce enough insulin or can not effectively use it . ..
*Three main types
Type 2 ...
Gestational diabetes

Wounds heel slowly .
*Diabetes on the rise due to multiple factors
1- growing urbanization changing lifestyle habits
3- obesity
4- unhealthy diet
5-no/ less physical activities
6- genetic
*Threats posed by diabetes
1---- according to International diabetes federation---
China ----11.43 crore diabetes patience.
India 7.29 crore diabetes patience ( next 25 years --- 134 million Indians ).
2--- 420 million people around the world live with diabetes .
3--- Insulin accessible to only 1 in 3 poorest countries .
4---enviroment problem, people does not get fresh air to breath especially in big cities like Delhi and Lucknow .
5--- National family health survey ----5.8% women, 8% men in India -- blood sugar level above 140mg/dl .
1--Healthy lifestyle required
2--Healthy diet
3--need yoga or regural exercise .


Diabetes emerging as one of the most life threatening Non communicable disease is posing a great threat to both male and female averaging at around 12% .Undoubtly its a conerning number for the government as the emerging cause of the disease are further shocking with 40%of new cases reported in the last 4 years .New diabetes cases include many early age patients, which is further worrying.
As per recent survey by AIIMS Delhi, Retinopathy Institute shows prevalence of diabetes Retinopathy which highlights eye health issue among diabetes patients which can cost permanent eye impairment if not diagnosed early and treated.As per diabetologist major reasons of Diabetes are Diet, urbanisation (junk foods), and genetics .In further findings youth under 10-19 yrs are prediabetes with high glucose level but not enough to be diagnosed
Diabetes cases grow more severe with age, most vulnerable age is 50 to 70 .
The problem behind increasing cases lies multiple like, half of cases being undiagnosed, improper medication, lack of health literacy among high risk population.Government (Ministry of Health and Family Affairs) of India in collaboration with WHO India came up with a noble initiative called "mdiabetes".It utilises the large scale penetration of Mobile communication.Government as per international standard came up with diabetes helath awareness campaign to bring most important health guidelines and precautions to be follwed, does and donts for affected patient, promote healthy diet and ..mDiabetesl is based on proven algorithm which is widely sucessful across the world which uses mobile technology interventions to brings about key behavioral and fundamental change in healthcare sector ..


Byjus 'The Hindu' Analysis is the best among all the DNA's available online. Thank you so much sir for the insights. Great initiative to help the students in the course of their preparations for various examinations.


thank u sir! your analysis is nothing less than a charming story that is devoid of floweriness yet so cogent!!


Sir tq for the comprehensive discussion of all the main topic in everyday newspaper


We, the Indians, are equal. Human beings are the children of God. No discrimination should be there in the practice of any religion in a secular land like our beloved country, India.


Thank u sir for ur efforts made for us. Very limited topics with proper analysis making our preparation easy. And that too within 30 minutes. Appreciable.


It's indeed so pleasurable to get information about the things going in our gvt.seriously thanks to byjus


it is interesting to hear how you pronounce bharathapuzha.... Thanks sir for the analysis


Very very helpful to us those who don't have time for coaching


It's the best news analysis channel


Thank u so much sir for Such a Valuable Explanation ....🙏🙏🙏


I am unable to give 1000 likes for this video That is why I am really sad. Really wonderful explanations. Thank you so much.


One of the most Precisely elaborated Analysis
Thank you sir


Epic analysis as always delivering to us ...


Byjus Tq u are doing great job please carry on!👏👏👏👏👏👏
