How & When To Plan Your CHEAT Meals (And STILL Lose Weight)

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How and when should you include a cheat meal into your diet plan?

Here at the FMP, we prefer the term ‘Free Meal’, as ‘Cheat Meal’ implies you’ve done something wrong.

… but done properly, and planned out each week, there’s a place for it!

I recommend planning your free meal for a Friday or Saturday evening.

This is often when families are meeting for dinner, or ordering take out for the week end.

It’s also better to plan for the evening meal, so you can still eat healthily during the day.


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**Disclaimer: This video is for informational and educational purposes only. This is the internet. This is not your doctor’s office. This video is NOT medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Consult your doctor before making any health changes. Although we show results from our program members, please keep in mind that results vary by individual. We cannot and do not guarantee you will get the same results by choosing to follow any of our programs, supplements, or strategies.
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This is great advice and allows a guilt free social experience. Also, it shows how moderation and mindfulness are key❤


It does not work on me .for weight loss i have to avoid free meal then i can shed weight
