Derek Prince Homosexuality & LBGTQ - Lesson From Sodom & Gomorrah and Gods Judgement

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Derek Prince Homosexuality & LBGTQ Lesson From Sodom & Gomorrah and Gods Judgement. Sodom had blatant and aggressive homosexuality. All the men in t he city both young and old came to have sex with two visitors. Some of gods judgements are exemplary like the judgements on Sodom and Gomorrah. These people were destroyed. But God doesn't away judge LBGTQ people this way. It goes to show that God wasn't happy about these practices. If God were to judge all people with death like this our churches would have far fewer members. Let thank God he doesn't always judge this way. And lets not use this passage to pronounce death on people who do certain things.

Disclaimer: We as Christians are called to love all people. Even our enemies. We are to love members of the LBGTQ community and pray for them. But i believe marriage is between one man and one women and there are only two genders. In todays time many would call that hate speech. I do not hate anyone. I even pray for my enemies. We have reached a dangerous place in society that if i disagree with someone that i am guilty of hating them. I am just standing up for my religious convictions that are based on the bible. I won't try to force my religious beliefs on anyone. And please do not try to force your beliefs on me. Mature people should be able to respectfully disagree without each other without raw emotion. I don't claim to have this subject all understood. But these aren't my opinions. I am just stating what is clearly stated in scripture. So if you have an issue please take it up with God the creator. You can take it or leave it.

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BS Degree from NYU in Counseling
MA Degree Theology Equivalent from Bethel University (Not Bethel Redding) and ORU University
Studied Inner Healing and Deliverance at Orbis School of Ministry Run by Ken Fish
Graduate of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Mini MBA Program

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As a child my parents took us to a small storefront African American church which eventually became the largest church in NYC Christian Cultural Center Led By Pastor AR Bernard
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Several Years as a Youth & College Pastor
Deacon At New Life Fellowship church home of Emotional Healthy Discipleship started By Pete Scazzero
Mentored by Pete Scazzero and worked under him for 5.5 years
Led living waters and cross current which is a program for the sexual broken and the LBGTQ community
A ministry leader in Inner Healing and Deliverance for 8 years
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We need ministers who tell the truth, like Pastor Prince.


I don't want to embrace my own sin and I'm surely not going to embrace someone else's sin sounds like today please brothers and sisters pray for this country


An Abomination is what GOD Almighty calls it...


If Pastor Prince was alive today, he wouldn't believe how deplorable society has become.


"They didn't just practice it, they were aggressive." So true. As we can see these days they're aggressive, jamming down on our face and on our children, showing true nature of that spirit.
Thank you for posting and thank you pastor Prince. ✝️


Welcome to America! The new Sodom and Gomorrah.


At the time, Abraham asked God, "what about the other cities in the land, will you destroy them too?" God replied "No, they have not yet reached that level of sin, but your descendants will destroy them when they come out of Egypt". God gave those cities every chance before destroying them.


Rest in peace Derek Prince. He was a brilliant teacher very smart seemed very sincere this man and his wife traveled around the world to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Him and his dear wife are both gone from here now. They did amazing work on behalf of our Lord and Savior Jesus now they get to rest in peace in the arms of Jesus. I could only imagine what questions Derek Prince may have asked God. Thank you Jesus for giving us such great teachers like Derek Prince Lord there's no doubt in my mind that you pick the best men for the job and train them well


Yes Amen brother Prince 🙏 we are living this now 😢


This is SO well said!! Love the last part.❤


He did that to two cities!!! Just imagine what He is gonna do to a whole country when He comes to judge!


Well said, straightforward & honest, in God's eyes it's sin.


"Aggressive" describes today's activity.


So important for us to STUDY the Bible… Jesus is indeed Lord.


Yes.I'm sick of it being in media, books and tv constantly


😭😭😭they will be judgement on this lifestyle from God not man. So they will not say that man is give them opposition. It is only him that judges no man. 😭😭😭I have love once in this lifestyle my heart is breaking for them. 😭😭😭😭😭God is a loving God we trust his direction and his decision in our life.


👏👏 📢 love what is GOOD! hate what is evil!


In other books it is explained that these people were wealthy and had beautiful cities. They starved strangers who past by to death. They had zero compassion or mercy.


You know God has always had a ramn in the bush God is raising up Christian people that will be bold young and old sign Cynthia Smith


We chafed at obeying our parents! And we chafe at obeying our Creator!
