Senator Risch Joins Dana Bash on CNN's State of the Union to Discuss Russia's War Against Ukraine

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You cant say that. Every allied leader is know anxious that he might have ruined negotiations. You can say that to the person in charge of 6 thousand nuclear bombs. If he falls he has no issue taking the rest of us down


The price of Wheat on the exchange market closed Friday at $11.21 a Bussell. Feb.10 it was $5.98. ppb. Corn, soybean, and meat are reaching similar record highs. While wind, and solar are producing feeble amounts of energy. Oil and gas are being starved out. At almost $5.00 a gallon for diesel, it cost an average of $1000 for a truck to fill up the tank. A farmer fill's his tractors to plow the fields or plant the seeds. They buy corn, and wheat to feed their livestock.
At the end of the day who pays for all of this. We all do. In just 13 months this guy who is occupying space in the White House has destroyed one of the strongest economies of all time.


This Senator as little input to add having Never served in the armed services. Should be a requirement for any lawmaker that he has some experience in the committee in with he chairs. Pull his chair out.


"a horrendous gaffe"
I suppose he would have preferred Trump The Lier in Chief.
It’s about time we had a president that was honest.
