Unpopular opinion

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When I began adopting plants, I started to find many accounts here with the message of buying buying and buying more and more plants! It felt like they were a commodity to be perfect or to be disposed off when they were “ugly” and then buy another prettier more rare plant.

Here I want to invite you to go a little deeper when it comes to the relationship with our plants ♡ each plant is different, each one of them is living their own life with you and it is so amazing to keep discovering more about each individual plant, as a changing living being. In the meantime I can also assure you that you also discover so much about yourself as you care for them ✨🪴

What do you think about this approach?

#plantsandlucia #plantsarefriends #plantsaremagic #plantsarelife #plantsarecool #plantsareawesome #plantsarepeopletoo
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I have an Pothos ‘N Joy too but it hasn’t grown to anywhere near that length! I have it on a round metal trellis and it’s growing but not like yours! How long have you had yours? Is it getting lots and lots of light? I suspect mine needs lots more light than it is already!
Yours is stunning!!!


Is that a peperomia obtusifolia variegata?
