How to Configure Two-Factor Authentication for SSH | ssh two factor authentication Linux

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Hi Everyone,
If we want to access our linux box using ssh is always critical and we want to imporve the securities in most posible ways.In this video we will gain some knowledge about how to setup two-factor authentication on your Linux server/workstation over SSH. I'll be using the google-authentecator for this process. Before start using google 2 fact auth we need configure our linux box's SSH demaon with Google Authenticator one time password protocol TOTP and another restriction is that we must have our android mobile with us. all the time or at least the time that we want to access SSH.
Here is the list of commands and packages used in this video, If you found this video is useful for you please subscibe me, it will motivate me to
make more videos.
Commands and Packages:
1. yum install google-authenticator -y
2. google-authenticator - app on play store (search and install it)
3. vi /etc/pam.d/sshd
4. vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes (Enable SSH demon to use OTP google 2 factor Authentication)
5. service sshd restart (Restart the ssh service)
6. chkconfig sshd on
Please watch: "Network Address Translation(NAT) explanation in Oracle virtualbox"
Hope this video will informative and useful for you. subscribe and support us If any drawback and suggestions please mention it in comment section.
ssh two factor authentication linux | SSH Tutorial in Linux | Advanced SSH Tutorial | SSH Server Configuration | SSH client | SSH Key Authentication | SSH multifactor Authentication |
Linux SSH tutorial | Dual Authentication in Linux | 2FA SSH setup | Fun with SSH
If we want to access our linux box using ssh is always critical and we want to imporve the securities in most posible ways.In this video we will gain some knowledge about how to setup two-factor authentication on your Linux server/workstation over SSH. I'll be using the google-authentecator for this process. Before start using google 2 fact auth we need configure our linux box's SSH demaon with Google Authenticator one time password protocol TOTP and another restriction is that we must have our android mobile with us. all the time or at least the time that we want to access SSH.
Here is the list of commands and packages used in this video, If you found this video is useful for you please subscibe me, it will motivate me to
make more videos.
Commands and Packages:
1. yum install google-authenticator -y
2. google-authenticator - app on play store (search and install it)
3. vi /etc/pam.d/sshd
4. vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes (Enable SSH demon to use OTP google 2 factor Authentication)
5. service sshd restart (Restart the ssh service)
6. chkconfig sshd on
Please watch: "Network Address Translation(NAT) explanation in Oracle virtualbox"
Hope this video will informative and useful for you. subscribe and support us If any drawback and suggestions please mention it in comment section.
ssh two factor authentication linux | SSH Tutorial in Linux | Advanced SSH Tutorial | SSH Server Configuration | SSH client | SSH Key Authentication | SSH multifactor Authentication |
Linux SSH tutorial | Dual Authentication in Linux | 2FA SSH setup | Fun with SSH