🥊 ChatGPT vs Google | Which should you be using?

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The good news is you don't have to choose one or the other.

Anytime ChatGPT tells me something surprising or unexpected I hop over to Google to do a little fact-checking of my own.

Double checking your facts and sources is a great practice to be in whether you're a hardcore ChatGPT user or not!
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Perplexity mops the floor with google and is formatted much better then ChatGPT


ChatGPT vs GOOGLE vs MY WIFE.. computers stand no chance, my WIFE is..
..MY wife is THE BEST!


1. *Google knows your first love.*
2. *It remembers the lyrics you searched at 2 AM.*
3. *Google recalls your favorite childhood snack.*
4. *It understands the dreams you once had.*
5. *Google can track every place you’ve ever visited.*
6. *It knows the people who inspire you.*
7. *Google has your shopping habits on record.*
8. *It remembers your darkest fears.*
9. *Google knows when you fell in love.*
10. *It stores the memories you’ve forgotten.*
11. *Google recognizes your favorite song.*
12. *It can guess your next meal.*
13. *Google understands your browsing patterns.*
14. *It knows when you need a break.*
15. *Google tracks your health queries.*
16. *It remembers the books you’ve read.*
17. *Google can predict your next search.*
18. *It knows your guilty pleasures.*
19. *Google understands your daily routine.*
20. *It remembers your first email address.*
21. *Google has your life in photos.*
22. *It knows the secrets you typed in.*
23. *Google remembers your forgotten passwords.*
24. *It knows your favorite travel destinations.*
25. *Google tracks your fitness goals.*
26. *It knows when you’re feeling down.*
27. *Google remembers your childhood heroes.*
28. *It can guess your mood based on your searches.*
29. *Google knows when you’re trying something new.*
30. *It understands your sense of humor.*
31. *Google remembers your first search.*
32. *It knows the friends you lost touch with.*
33. *Google tracks your learning journey.*
34. *It remembers the movies you’ve watched.*
35. *Google knows the words you struggle to spell.*
36. *It understands your fears and hopes.*
37. *Google has your digital life archived.*
38. *It knows your favorite coffee order.*
39. *Google remembers your milestones.*
40. *It can predict your future interests.*
41. *Google tracks your hobbies.*
42. *It knows the last book you abandoned.*
43. *Google remembers your favorite quotes.*
44. *It knows your style preferences.*
45. *Google understands your relationship status.*
46. *It remembers your life’s big decisions.*
47. *Google tracks your social media interactions.*
48. *It knows your favorite TV shows.*
49. *Google understands your search habits.*
50. *It knows more about you than you think.*
51. *Google knows your favorite ice cream flavor.*
52. *It remembers your weekend plans.*
53. *Google can track your workout routines.*
54. *It knows when you’re planning a trip.*
55. *Google remembers your first pet’s name.*
56. *It knows your preferred news sources.*
57. *Google tracks your productivity levels.*
58. *It remembers your favorite podcasts.*
59. *Google knows your preferred music genre.*
60. *It understands your career goals.*
61. *Google remembers your forgotten hobbies.*
62. *It tracks your grocery lists.*
63. *Google knows when you’re procrastinating.*
64. *It understands your culinary skills.*
65. *Google tracks your favorite recipes.*
66. *It knows your ideal vacation spots.*
67. *Google remembers your preferred workout time.*
68. *It tracks your reading habits.*
69. *Google knows when you need motivation.*
70. *It understands your taste in art.*
71. *Google remembers your favorite sports teams.*
72. *It tracks your calendar events.*
73. *Google knows your go-to comfort food.*
74. *It remembers your morning routine.*
75. *Google tracks your sleep patterns.*
76. *It knows your favorite holiday destinations.*
77. *Google remembers your family traditions.*
78. *It tracks your online purchases.*
79. *Google knows your favorite apps.*
80. *It understands your sense of style.*
81. *Google remembers your workout playlist.*
82. *It tracks your daily commute.*
83. *Google knows your preferred workout intensity.*
84. *It remembers your favorite video games.*
85. *Google tracks your screen time.*
86. *It knows when you’re most productive.*
87. *Google understands your food preferences.*
88. *It tracks your hydration levels.*
89. *Google knows your favorite workout gear.*
90. *It remembers your favorite weather.*
91. *Google tracks your mental health.*
92. *It knows your preferred relaxation methods.*
93. *Google remembers your biggest achievements.*
94. *It tracks your mindfulness practices.*
95. *Google knows your favorite workout location.*
96. *It understands your social interactions.*
97. *Google remembers your favorite movies.*
98. *It tracks your energy levels.*
99. *Google knows your preferred learning style.*
100. *It remembers your go-to restaurants.*
101. *Google tracks your food delivery history.*
102. *It knows your favorite books.*
103. *Google understands your financial habits.*
104. *It tracks your budgeting efforts.*
105. *Google knows your dream home.*
106. *It remembers your favorite childhood games.*
107. *Google tracks your online shopping preferences.*
108. *It knows your preferred workout time.*
109. *Google understands your study habits.*
110. *It tracks your favorite YouTube channels.*
111. *Google knows your preferred online communities.*
112. *It remembers your workout goals.*
113. *Google tracks your sleep quality.*
114. *It knows your favorite hobbies.*
115. *Google understands your personality traits.*
116. *It tracks your charitable donations.*
117. *Google knows your preferred workout music.*
118. *It remembers your favorite social media platforms.*
119. *Google tracks your screen time.*
120. *It knows your most frequent online searches.*
121. *Google understands your emotional needs.*
122. *It tracks your travel history.*
123. *Google knows your favorite workout apps.*
124. *It remembers your preferred workout intensity.*
125. *Google tracks your work-life balance.*
126. *It knows your favorite holiday activities.*
127. *Google understands your creative process.*
128. *It tracks your online subscriptions.*
129. *Google knows your favorite workout routines.*
130. *It remembers your favorite TV show characters.*
131. *Google tracks your favorite workout videos.*
132. *It knows your preferred workout gear.*
133. *Google understands your work habits.*
134. *It tracks your online learning progress.*
135. *Google knows your favorite workout locations.*
136. *It remembers your go-to relaxation techniques.*
137. *Google tracks your favorite workout challenges.*
138. *It knows your preferred workout schedule.*
139. *Google understands your work style.*
140. *It tracks your online presence.*
141. *Google knows your favorite workout influencers.*
142. *It remembers your preferred workout plans.*
143. *Google tracks your creative projects.*
144. *It knows your favorite workout accessories.*
145. *Google understands your digital habits.*
146. *It tracks your online friendships.*
147. *Google knows your favorite workout platforms.*
148. *It remembers your preferred workout routines.*
149. *Google tracks your favorite workout apps.*
150. *It knows your preferred workout partners.*
151. *Google understands your social dynamics.*
152. *It tracks your online interactions.*
153. *Google knows your favorite workout challenges.*
154. *It remembers your preferred workout influencers.*
155. *Google tracks your online engagement.*
156. *It knows your favorite workout playlists.*
157. *Google understands your digital footprint.*
158. *It tracks your online behavior.*
159. *Google knows your preferred workout apps.*
160. *It remembers your favorite workout goals.*
161. *Google tracks your online identity.*
162. *It knows your preferred workout plans.*
163. *Google understands your social connections.*
164. *It tracks your online activities.*
165. *Google knows your favorite workout communities.*
166. *It remembers your preferred workout routines.*
167. *Google tracks your online interactions.*
168. *It knows your preferred workout platforms.*
169. *Google understands your social network.*
170. *It tracks your online presence.*
171. *Google knows your favorite workout locations.*
172. *It remembers your preferred workout schedules.*
173. *Google tracks your online engagement.*
174. *It knows your preferred workout partners.*
175. *Google understands your social circle.*
176. *It tracks your online friendships.*
177. *Google knows your favorite workout influencers.*
178. *It remembers your preferred workout routines.*
179. *Google tracks your online behavior.*
180. *It knows your preferred workout apps.*
181. *Google understands your social connections.*
182. *It tracks your online interactions.*
183. *Google knows your favorite workout challenges.*
184. *It remembers your preferred workout goals.*
185. *Google tracks your online presence.*
186. *It knows your preferred workout plans.*
187. *Google understands your digital life.*
188. *It tracks your online engagement.*
189. *Google knows your favorite workout platforms.*


Google is kinda too biased when coming to news events. So maybe we need something else.


But u cant do chatgpt without google 💀
