DRAMA QUEEN: This Is Why Women Are Unhappy

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I was a drama queen. I once believed that my complicated, emotional nature as a woman was set in stone and that it was just how God made me. That belief kept me stuck, miserable, and self-destructive; it also kept me in a perpetual cycle of unhealthy relationships with men.

In this video, I pull back the curtain to help women see a different way to understand ourselves as drama queens and to overcome the unnecessary emotional chaos we create.

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*Disclaimer:* The views and perspectives on relationships that are expressed in my videos and courses are meant for women married to good men and good men who are experiencing relationship issues within a range of behaviors that are common and usual – what you might reasonably expect your neighbors or friends to be going through behind closed doors. My message is not for aggressive, violent, or compulsive behaviors in a marriage or relationship that are threatening or dangerous. If you are experiencing such behaviors and/or physical abuse, you should seek a licensed mental health professional who is trained in dealing with domestic abuse.

Karyn Seitz and The Happy Wife School are not engaged in the practice of psychotherapy, clinical counseling, or any medical practice. You should not interpret any part of my videos as traditional psychological, medical, or emotional therapy. Karyn Seitz is not a licensed health professional. You should seek help for any specific psychological, medical, or emotional problems with a mental health professional or qualified physician.
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From my experience dealing with women (not all) the goal is to NOT be stable and happy, even though they say they want these things. I think stability and happiness shuts down the emotional roller coaster, and that roller coaster is what they truly want. It IS the point. The emotional roller coaster feels good and makes them feel alive. But true happiness and contentment does not bring those highs and lows, that adrenaline rush.

They will stay with a man who provides stability, but one of two things will happen: They'll either move on to a troubled man eventually, a person who gives them drama or they'll stay with the stable guy but complain the whole time for unhappiness. So happiness is bad, while drama, instability and unhappiness is good.


Society kind of normalizes a lot of women's toxic behaviors so they don't have much pressure to change it.


Dating a woman in this time is frightening.


Every single woman I have ever met claims to be the most emotionally intelligent person alive.... Your experience may vary.


Remember everybody:

You Don't Control What Happens, You Control How You Respond ~Epictitus


You know who has confidence in themselves? People who dont ask for approval, and people who dont talk about how they dont need approval.


Why are women so obsessed with happiness? How can you go through a full day in perpetual happiness? Being happy is a temporary emotion/feeling. Happiness is getting a hug from your child. You are not going to hug your child for 14 hours a day. Being "content" in life with the things and experiences you have is the daily goal. Having crazy expectations of perpetual happiness is absurd. Look at the pictures of men and women from the 1800's. Nobody is smiling. Nobody 150 years ago or longer had time to think about if they were happy or not happy. Our great grandparents had duties, hard work with purpose and agency to fill their days. Modern tech and advances in civilization has allowed today's people to become lazy, purposeless, narcissistic, and general pieces of shit. There is no contentment anymore. Comparison to other peoples grandiose lives has caused a corrosion of contentment which results in dissatisfaction and bitterness.


OMG Karyn. You mean I'm not the terrible husband my wife says I am. I always knew it but working to keep my sense of self has taken all my mental and physical energy. Sorry to say but I feel like I am the abused spouse even though most (if not all) women believe the men are the problem. Thank you for lifting my spirits. There is hope for me.


If women are so "complex", how come they never surprise me?


My wife has changed a lot over the years while I have basically stayed the same. I think my consistency (attitude, emotions, etc.) has helped me navigate through life with fairly predictable results.


Women can be pragmatic and problem solvers? Women don't have to be emotional wrecks? My main responsibility as a husband/father/son/brother isn't to validate the emotional responses of the women in my life? Karen you have changed my world view!


Bad mothering hurts the next generation.


As with all these videos, the people who need to see it the most are the least likely to.


This woman has helped me out so much as I experience a crumbling marriage!! I was going insane trying to figure out my wife's crazy BS when I found this channel. Now I have peace understanding it's simply my wife taking out on me how she feels about herself. In the biblical order God placed the man over the women and it makes complete scene to me now!!


In my experience, women need to study and hold themselves accountable to basic ethical principles. I can't speak for other men, but my problems with women have all stemmed from very basic things like them misrepresenting themselves, failing to demonstrate loyalty when I have been loyal to them, not following through on agreements (whether implicit or explicit), etc. Because it is assumed that women are the more vulnerable gender, they are typically given a pass when it comes to reneging on promises or being duplicitous. This has to stop.


I honestly think "daddy issues" is a real problem for women. Sad but true as I think it impacts how they view other men


Women think emotional chaos is an exciting way to live. So pathetic.


I've called many women train wrecks, they love drama. if there is none they will create it.


So sick if it, my friends wife just made an drama induced untrue accusation of me, she smokes pot all day long, my sister in law faking disability for attention, was denied by state..all drama..modern women self centeredness is over the top. Happiness is from withing ourselves..people.


One word : NEUROTICISM !!
aka the most tiring personality trait a person can have
