Reviewing GEORGIAN CUISINE - The First Time!

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I've headed down to East Dulwich in South East London to try some Georgian Food in one of the most beautiful restaurants that I've visited so far. The restaurant is called Kartuli which actually means "Georgian" and this is the first time I will ever be trying this food!

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Mate, you’ve got me googling flights to Georgia! What a feast!


I'm going to be perfectly honest, hand on heart, in that I wasn't looking forward to this video. How wrong could I be ??? The restaurant didn't look very exciting from the outside at the start, but boy oh boy, wasn't it just sensational inside. The food looked absolutely gobsmacking .... wholesome, hearty, no arty farty lightweight poncing about with minute quantities at mega silly prices and therefore right up my Strasse. Unbelievable place and respect to the owners / staff. Another excellent presentation Gary.


Hello, i'm from georgia! I'm really glad that you enjoyed our food :]


Those guys of this restaurant are amazing. every person that makes georgian restaurant outside Georgia and shows our cuisine is annonymous hero. that is our non material cultural heritage!
thanks for restaurant and special thanks for channel!


I´ve lived 4 years in beautiful Georgia, from 18-22. The best country i´ve been to out of 39 destinations.
Great people, delicious food, fantastic nature, a looong hot summer and very cheap country.
My favorite dish is Satsivi. It´s chicken in a creamy wallnut sauce. Or try Lobio, that´s beans in a clay pot. You´ll love it
Cheers from a dane🇩🇰


I worked in Tbilisi almost 20 years ago, the Georgians are an extremely warm and loving people. Their food is very hearty because during winter (when I was there) a warm day got to -16C. I was working on the 'new' airport, so effectively working outside. Second day of working I was wearing the entire contents of the suitcase that I'd taken to stay warm...
The national dish of Georgia is basically a Kebab, their national drink is beer, and their flag is basically the flag of saint George - What's not to like?! :)
The food is always prepared to order, and every dish has a story behind its creation. The food is excellent, the people are excellent, the culture is excellent.
Sadly, the Russians are shitting on the doorstep as usual, but Georgia has survived its neighbour for over 2000 years, so I'm sure it will get over its recent travails.


You inspire people to try different cuisines. Fantastic.


As a Georgian I'm very grateful for your lovely video and review of our amazing should visit us in Georgia, you'll be lot more surprised I promise <3


Fully recommend visiting Georgia, it's a such a great country. The food is great and the wine is even better!


Important that businesses support and buy their supplies locally. I know of several restaurants and pubs that list their local suppliers, farms, butchers, dairies so customers know they're supporting the local economy


Really pleased to see your channel taking off the way it has done. Just goes to show you don't need bells whistles and BS, just honesty 👍


Well, Gary, this is the best promotion Georgian Cuisine could wish for. I am really curious now. For the food, the wine, the people, the country. So thank you for this new item on my bucketlist 🙂


Living near Arbroath in Scotland there isn't such a wide choice as in the big smoke. That's why your channel is so welcome. We can vicariously enjoy the cuisine of the world!


What a true Georgian class this restaurant is. This chairs, the entire interior is so Tbilisian vintage. საქართველო ❤ What a delight to see guest this appreciative.


Think you should have given that a 10, it looked and the way you described it sounded incredible. Especially when you said it’s in your top 3!


Of all the foods you've tried from all over, this peaked my interest the most. It looks fantastic. Hearty, homely, filling. I've never seen a dumling thingy that looked that appetizing.
That bread looked so good with the cheese and butter filling.


I think a good "Chakapuli" is a real Georgian Rockstar food. It blows my senses each time.


Wow ! Never thought of trying Georgian food before 🤔... Gary has introduced us to a little gem here. You might think living in central London we wouldn't be bored or find it hard trying to find a decent place to eat, where it doesn't cost a arm and a leg, but the moment Gary bit into that dumpling and gave his review it had me looking for the address. Thank you Gary !


Thanks to you, I linked this to my friend whose wife is Georgian and I cheekily asked to ask her to cook some of this food for us. She was till in Georgia on holiday at the time and brought me a small jar of a special mix of herbs and salts that you can put on anything in place of simple salt. They came round and cooked that bread with the cheese inside. Boy was it filling. She also left us a chicken dish, which was a bit like a mild curry. Also an aubergine dish with a little chilli heat. It was fantastic.
Wonderful stuff and lovely people. He is from Latvia BTW. Hands across the oceans.


Yes! My favourite food reviewer, reviewing my favourite food! My wife is Armenian, where Georgian food is also widely available. So when we visit her family every year, I usually keep a count of how many khachapuri I eat on the trip. Usually average about 1 per day... and I return about 5kg heavier! It is the ultimate dish - comforting, filling, simple, but yet utterly utterly tasty. Love it! Thanks for another great review!! (p.s. if you want to continue your food tour of the Caucasus and are ever in Manchester, there is a great Armenian restaurant in the city centre called Armenian Taverna)
