how i got 250,000,000 coins solo in hypixel skyblock

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i'm officially a rich gamer

Video Information:
➧ Resource Pack: Pigicial's 2K Pack
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READ BEFORE COMMENTING: the 150, 000, 000 bid on the crystal fragments were returned, they did it as a flex or something
and the thing from supermoar is the only type of donation i've ever accepted, any other donations were VERY TINY that didn't make a dent in the balance, and i almost never accept those. keep in mind that i was already going to get 250m fairly soon, this just speeds things up, and i feel like some people don't realize it despite me clearly saying it. the 200m is going all back into videos, so i think it's fair

oh btw the reason i died with 16 mil was to say that you don't get summoning eyes from them but i forgot lol


Here is how I started my Hypixel Skyblock experience for all you newbs:
**Part I: First couple days: (Quest to get Super Compactor)**
- Basic early-game stuff, unlock each of the wood/mining collections, get to the Deep Caverns and get diamond armor
- Grinded Lapis Armor until I had the full set.
- Went to the Blazing Fortress, attempted to obtain Nether Wart and Glowstone to basic collections.
- Bought a Brewing Stand from the hub
- Made Haste III potions with Enchanted Glowstone and Redstone (why I went to the blazing fortress)
- Enchanted a Golden Pickaxe with Efficiency 5
- Mined cobblestone for a couple days
- Crafted a Super Compactor
**NOTICE: Unlike other people's recommendation, I kept the Super Compactor instead of selling, and that was the best decision of my life**

**Part II: Second week: (The Compactor Farm)**
- At this point, I made a Cobblestone Minion, and inserted the Super Compactor in it, and leveled it up to Level 5.
- This was a great decision, because it means it creates super compactors, which you can after sell for passive profit. I didn't.
- With my remaining minion slots from early game, I made Redstone Minions and inserted regular compactors in it.
- Compactors are enough for Redstone Minions because of the slow generation.
- Within another week, I had myself another Super Compactor

**Part III: First month: (Compactors continued)**
- Because I now had two compactors, I fitted the second one in.... another Cobblestone Minion
- I leveled it up to level 5, and then the original first one to Level 7 for faster generation.
- Meanwhile, I was getting my Wood minions to a decent level to get more minion slots.
- At this point, I had around 7 slots total due to making just basic minions.
- Over the first month, I kept on collecting compactors on and on with my minions

**Part IV: Second Month: (Lots of money interest!)**
- From just playing the game, I managed to get 9 minion slots after a while.
- Basically just upgrading the minions of whatever you get while doing activities like mining or killing movs
- That meant I had a couple minion slots free, 5 were in my compactor farm, three cobblestone and two redstone minions
- With the other 4, I invested directly into Magma Cube minions.
- They all quickly got to level 7 each, and with Enchanted Charcoal, making me about 100k per day.
- In this month, I got to 3 million coins, and it kept going up due to interest.
- You should not do this, but personally I made Magma Armor because of how easy it was with my minions generating so much Magma Cream daily. I also made a Lava Talisman, and started replacing my redstone minions with other assorted minions to strt leveling other important collections because of my surplus redstone compared to cobblestone.

**Part IV-II: Late Second Month: (Collection grinding)**
- In this case, I replaced two coal minions with Iron, Emerald, and Diamond then later Potatoes. If you're reading this, set them to whatever your needs are. There are many useful collections in the game. There is no right way to set what to grind for first.
- Iron = Hoppers for the Magma Cube minions when they overfilled (I didn't have enough for all my magma cube minions yet, and hoppers were a quick way to salvage some of my lost money)
- Emerald = Personal Bank update, got it to 50k for the 20m cooldown
- Diamond = Diamond Spreading, It was a quick way of getting my Cobblestone Minions to give me profit instead of getting nothing from them due to me making Super Compactors for my minions. Attatching just one of this upgrade to each of my minions, along with one super compactor was what I did - and on the plus side, it also leveled my Diamond Minion to level 7 which gave me another minion slot.
- Potatoes = Hot Potato Books, At this point, I spent some of my coins to buy a Spicy AOTE, which wasn't really good at my point because I wasn't talisman spamming and my stats were so low especially for Combat due to me relying mostly on my minions and not going out much to grind. I set my potato minions until they created 10 enchanted baked potatoes. *Yes, this was after the Technoblade video came out*

**Part V: Third Month (Gotta make my minions faster)**
- Since I had so many coins, I could just spend an easy 250k to get a Level 11 Ice Minion from the shop.
- All I had to do was buy the ice for 1 coin and just level it up. Easy.
- The struggle was that I needed to unlock 50 ice from the Ice Collection first. I had to get a Taiga Biome Stick, set my island to Taiga, placed water everywhere and waited for it to freeze up with a Silk Touch pickaxe.
- I leveled up other cheap minions with the many coins I had, so I was up to 11 slots.
- Now, as most my minions had Super Compactors, there wasn't really any need to have any more. I started replacing my Cobblestone/Redstone minions with Coal and Iron minions, and started progressing towards making Enchanted Lava Buckets.
- Time lapse over a couple weeks, and my minions had infinite storage, and infinite 25% extra speed. Progress!
- Note that my 4 magma cube minions were still producing heavily, and are generating coins every day.
- The interest racks up and up, giving me more coins.

**Part VI: Talisman Spamming and Fairy Souls (Start of the Midgame - Jan 13, 2020)**
- Woo! Took me a while, but I got my redstone collection to XI with the maximum size talisman bag, holding a total of 27 talismans
- I went to the end, and was not able to even one shot one of the enderman at the spawn (3.5k out of 4k health on crits)
- Thus, I spent the next couple of days obtaining as many talismans I could.
- *Insert Frustration and Salt as I get 99% on the last Melody song so many times in a row*
- It took me 7 hours just to complete all the songs, it definitely took less time for most people, but I live in Australia - how long did it take?
- Started buying some other cheap talismans off the auction house that I didn't have the collection for.
- I went back to the end, but I still didn't had the damage to match up with the enemies in the end.
- So then I realised that Fairy Souls would increase my base Strength up to what I need.
- *No I am not giving myself a headache of rewatching the same video over and over again. I decided to use a picture guide. Just search up "fairy souls hypixel" and click the first result. Really useful.*
- After a evening of collecting souls, I went back to the end and guess what. 5k damage against the Enderman. Hooray!
- From obtaining a grand total of 25 talismans and collecting most of these annoying fairy souls, I almost doubled my damage from 3.5k to 5k.
- A sizeable increase, but nowhere near the ten thousand and a half health of what Zealots have. I'll have to get even more powerful.
- As of the 21st of January, I've gotten a grand total of 14 minion slots, and almost to my 15th.
- With my couple extra minion slots, I've been working on some tough-to-get talismans. (Feather Artifact from Chicken Minions, and Sea Creature Artifact from the Fishing Minion that I placed) I've heard Clay was a really easy minion to T11 as well, so I'll be placing it for a couple days in order to get my 15th slot.
- On 26/01/2020, I have officially reached the interest softcap. 10 million coins granting me a total of 200k coins every 31 hours. Sweet, sweet interest. I could keep collecting, and at 15 million coins, would get 250k coins of interest. But after that, I'll have to spend 5 million coins to gain more interest. Well, that's my next goal, 20 mil coins, spend 5 mil to get the bigger bank upgrade.
- 28/01/2020. Just woke up today and got my 200k interest, Decided to buy the Personal Bank upgrade for 200k coins to reduce my cooldown from 1 hour to 20 minutes. I'm not sure if that was worth it, but oh well - now it's there.

**Part VII: Zealot Farming (True Midgame - Feburary 1, 2020)**
- I did it. At midnight of the 31st of January, I spent 10 million coins on an Aspect Of The Dragons, enchanted, hot potatoed.
- Today, I spent 5 hours killing Zealots - until I finally got a Summoning Eye.
- I decided to spend another couple hours killing Spiders for Spider Slayer 4 - and reached it.
- With the last million coins, I spent 1.3m on Tarantula Boots. I'm officially at zero coins.
- Time to see where this will lead me.
- Bit of interchanging luck through the next two days, still pretty unlucky though. I set a goal for myself to get at least one summoning eye daily.
- 2nd of Feb, I ended up taking 7 hours before getting an eye.
- 3rd of Feb, Literally first Zealot I killed gave me an eye. Almost made up for my terrible luck yesterday. Left the End asap, because I really didn't want to torture myself anymore than I already have.
- Bought Tarantula Leggings for a really cheap 400k today. Might probably end up reselling for more $$$.
- Also unlocked my 17th minion slot as well. Enderchest level 2 upgrade, pretty nice. Switched out my Chicken minion for a Cow minion, gonna try get some backpacks for some more convinient storage space in my enderchest. Hyped.

Here ends my story as of right now. (Edited Feb 1, 2020)
Part 6 in my thread, would be to start obtaining as many talismans as I can to get my Crit Chance up, and emphesise on the Potato minions that I had producing earlier to HPB my AOTE and hopefully be able to one shot zealots.
Perhaps I'll update this story of mine later.

It's been a month since I wrote this comment, I have successfully updated this. I'm planning on HPBing my AOTE but not until I get a Potato XI minion. #TechnobladeFan

It's feburary. I decided against it, and got an AOTD with all my coins. Was it worth it? I don't know exactly.

EDIT: Fixed three typos.


watching you hold 260 million coins with no armor gave me anxiety


pigical: loses several million coins

me: loses 100k slams the shit out of my computer


Bro imagine being the richest dude ever in skyblock then just dipping


“Nooo I lost millions!”

Few seconds later: “anyways...”

I would have quit the game if I lost that much money


9:42 "how to lose 16mil in 6 seconds"


9:48 congratulations, you played yourself hard




The ultimate strategy of making money is

Get yt rank


So basically how to get money:
Have a rich friend quit the game


Next: “How I became president and bombed North Korea in 3 days, (not clickbait)”


Pigicial: I have full lapis armor set

Also Pigicial : *puts on 3/4 of lapis set*


6:03 can we talk about how he has the tier V clay minion unlocked before IV


Pigicial: I am a rich boi

Iceblades11: hold my tuxedo


Good thing he didn’t have 266 mil when he pearl spammed lol


I saw u in a end lobby and asked for a screenie but u left before I could get one I hope to see u again and get a screenie 😃


"how i got given 200mil" more like


Pigicial: makes a 16 min video on making money in skyblock.
The Bazaar: I'm bouta end this mans whole career


Pigicial : lost 16mil
Rickthemurph : not even having 16mil
