Axial Piston Pump

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Do you know why most pump animations are ineffective? First, there is no continuous flow into and out of the pump. Next, the pump is usually shown from one angle.
Our animations show the entire oil flow path. Also, we pan around the pump to show how the oil flows into the pump and how it flows out the other side. We pan from intake to rearview to the outlet.
We specialize in making hydraulics easy to teach and fun and exciting to learn.
It's regrettable that most technical colleges purchase from the low-bidder. They get an unsightly simulator (square tubing with a panel) and they leave the most important component behind - a brilliant curriculum!
That's why 85% of students that graduate from America's technical colleges (hydraulics) can't pass a hydraulic competency test. Low bid equals low quality in every respect of the word. Low-quality simulators and low-quality technicians.
Now you know why my student learn more one week of training than they do in three months at a technical college (most).
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