Canada update

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References: COVID-19 Update, Saugeen First Nation, Residential schools in Canada

Toronto clinic administers record-breaking 26,000+

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Good to see lyndsay back it is always a good conversation its good to hear what is happening in Canada its sounds like good news for Canada stay strong Canadians best from Glasgow scotland stay safe 👍


I got my second dose here in Vancouver, two days right in and out in 20 VERY well
Very little resistance to doing this...We will be up to 80% in a week. Here in B.C. the Delta has been here since March....we had 35 cases here in B.C, yes, we are mostly still very responsible mask wise.
Having a very well managed health care system here also makes a difference...


I'm in Canada and I don't completely agree with her opinion on everything relating to covid. But regarding the residential schools she left out the part that they were also government run, not just church's, and the government shares an equal share of the atrocities seen in residential schools.


I am in Ontario Canada and received my 2nd jab of Pfizer this week: no reactions and no more pain than the first jab. I mention the pain as I asked the very nice jabber to apply an aspiration, which she did, and I actually felt no degree of difference compared to the initial injection. According to her, aspiration was standard practice when she started her career as a nurse, and she had to consult her memory on how to do it ... lol ..


So good to hear Lindsay again. I 've been waiting for this interview. Keep on Canadians...stay well & maybe soon I 'll get to see my daughter...


Gave me chills when Lindsay was talking about the children’s residential schools in Canada. As a Catholic in the U.S., this is even more chilling knowing how close this tragedy took place, and how horrifically these Catholics and Protestants behaved. (I have only learned of this in recent years. And the discovery of the mass graves brings more of the horror to light.) I understand healing must take place, but the burning of churches won’t solve these problems, churches that even indigenous Canadians attend, so hurting them, also. May God console and heal their hearts. And may all humanity see one another as family.


Love how you have discussions with people around the world. Mainstream news and media could learn from this. As a Canadian, I am glad she addressed the discovery of over 1000 unmarked graves with the First Nations children to date and how you both explained how it is still relevant today and it's not just something to ignore. This was a very insightful episode I wish and hope more people watch. ❤️


Thank you deeply for mentioning the atrocities of the residential schools. I am certainly in mourning and in tears once again in remembrance of these innocent children. I am a first generation Canadian and hope that all other settler Canadians lend their hearts to making the necessary changes forthwith to both address legislation old and new and lend support and love.
Thank you again❤


Messaging about vaccines in Ontario have been very confusing! Scheduling has also been very chaotic! There are too many websites, very long delays on the phone and many use social media to find out where to get your shot. Amazing that we are as far along as we are.
Thanks Lindsay and Dr. John for all your efforts in informing your viewers!


John, could you have Dr. Peter McCullough as a guest. You’re so good at giving a balanced approach to this pandemic, Dr, McCullough would be a great interview.


We Love Lindsay!! Thanks for coming back.


Re-writing history: reminds me of the African proverb: Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter (something like that anyway).
All countries do it. I've spent a lifetime learning what was left out of my British history lessons.


Thank you to Lindsay (I hope I've spelled that correctly) for mentioning the struggles of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Brought a tear to my eye that a fellow Canadian got the message out to an international audience. That was a compassionate move, and I urge everyone who listened to try and look up more information about this.


I’m definitely in the minority, I love my mask! I’m going to keep wearing my mask! This is the first year in 38 years that I haven’t had to take my allergy needles. I’m allergic to pollens, so the mask is very effective against my allergies!


I’ve been following the school deaths there with a heavy heart, similar atrocities against native peoples occurred here throughout our whole history (US). The arrival of Europeans in the Americas has been apocalyptic for the people who were here first. Encourage your representatives to do whatever they can to help.


In case anyone is unaware all First Nations peoples no matter how poor their band chiefs keep them, they all still receive free medical care, prescriptions, dental care, all their medical services are free.


Canada is doing well for now, I hope we keep up the good work. I really think Canadians are really educated in terms of health matters. Canada will solve its problems regarding first nations people because the first step of solution is recognizing the problem.


I read a story of an immunocompromised guy who got antibody tests after 1st vaccination and again after 2nd dose - in both cases he hadn't developed much immunity. Then he got a third dose, which generated enough of a response that the antibody test finally indicated very good protection.


I welcome you interviewing Dr Peter MCullough. I would like to hear the other points of view on this evolving situation. Ignoring reviewed data that is coming to light is not allowing a total understanding of all the potential risk moving forward.


Thanks Lindsay and John for speaking to the horrific abuses of our first nation's peoples here in Canada. My heart breaks 💔 for all who, were and are, still effected 💔.
I believe it's been kept a secret for far, far too long. I'm hopeful that bringing the truth out into the light of day, having meaningful reparations and making sincere apologies may help everyone effected heal as much as possible. No nation is perfect, but Canadian residential schools has harmed enough people. Let's be the champions for justice and prevent anything like this ever happening again.
