EVE Online - (Alpha clone) Easy T4 Abyss Gila - 80mil/h

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Idiotproof T4 Abyss Gila fit. Alpha clones will do just fine in this fit.

[Gila, Giga-tank gila]
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay

Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Republic Fleet Shield Recharger
Republic Fleet Shield Recharger

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Drone Link Augmentor I

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Caldari Navy Vespa x5
Vespa II x5

Inferno Fury Light Missile x1000
Scourge Fury Light Missile x10000

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EVE Online is a community-driven spaceship MMO where players can play free, choosing their own path from countless options.

Experience space exploration, immense PvP and PvE battles and a thriving player economy in an ever-expanding sandbox.

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Based on new spawns Id tweak the fit a bit:


I had to pause at 40 seconds in to say how I'm laughing to myself how you just described me and how I feel about higher level abyss. Amazing, the rest of the video can only get better. Great work man haha.


me: sees an alpha fit for t4 with no prop
my brain: this does not compute


Aceface: this fit is Alpha friendly

Also Aceface: has T2 drones


For anyone wondering: This tanks 554 EHP/s and does 442 DPS with max alpha skills (CN Vespas, Fury Missiles)


This video is an alpha trap, I can already see the alphas coming here to say they lost their gila.


Well, I thought I'd give it a go, so brought it to the testserver, and lost 2 times in a row due to a marshal spawn, and a rom of kikimoras, as they just shredded the ship. Think things hay have changed for this fit, at least for people without max/near max shiled skills


Im always ready at the time acefacey uploades :)


My newest EVE sub mentioned my oldest EVE sub -- Delone Wolf FTW. Gotta love that.


Since they changed the spawnes you can get in the abyss, just don´t use passive gilas anymore they will die to ( for example) the first marshal room you get, those will just chunk right thru the shield buffer. Huge signature thanks to all the shield extender and no prop mod to kite is a bad idea and the dps is not great cause you have to use mid and low slots for tank...


This fit does NOT survive the Marshall and Kiki rooms. It died within a minute in both rooms on the test server. Only skill I'm lacking is Shield Management 3/5.


是我从未设想过的配装思路,不需要电,就不怕毁电,跳出了原来的配装思维, nice!


I'm an OLD eve player (2006). Always been a lone-wolfer -- the quiet side of EVE. I have Mastery level skills in almost every category. Have done everything. But WH and abyssal stuff, I'm very noobie. This was a good video bc while my first abyssal trip ended tragically (knew nothing about it, just did it), I have learned a lot since then. Thanks in part to you. So, cheers mate. I'm gonna hop in my passive Gila tonight and fire up a filament!


This video opened up my eyes about abyss


Ace as a new player I must say. Your alpha clone videos are fantastic. You have skills us new players do not, including manual flight, positioning, and general knowledge how. I see you are actually making videos for experienced players because you push the limits so hard on these beginner videos.


Decided to give this a try. A Marshal in the third room decimated me. Anyone else having the same luck or was I the only one? While I can easily afford it that was a lot of money down the drain. EDIT: Should have read more of the comments below. It's on me for not paying more attention. Oh well live and learn.


I know this video is a few years old now but I wanted to try it out to see how it fairs in Nov 2024. Well, after i lost 2 Gila' in less than 10 filaments I'm going to say don't try this. Just to clarify I have really good alpha clone skills for this fit, yes i was using some implants also and a Pyro 2. The last ship just wasn't quick enough at killing all the rats!


so a bit more info I just started alpha character to test this, 1 mil SP, and enough skill injectors just to get into this fit. I couldn't get the shield regen above 375 and lost it testing this. Could I get a list of required skills to make this happen.


Great content, Im watching your old videos to get into some nice abyssal farming. Can you tell me please, Mr Aceface, would this fit be easily runable in all the other T3s. I want to run T3s before I jump into the right T4.


Hey i tryed today you fit on the Testserver, did work really well. UNTIL i got a 4 Marshal spawn + 1 Enforcer... which did 1200 dps together due to the dps graph i had running. I was dead in Seconds (maybe a minute). :( had like 10 runs before without issues. Even the kiki spawn was tight but ok.. but the marshals was just instant death xD (I am omega with 80m sp, so i have most but not all of the skills at 5)
