HE AQUATICS Water Therapy & Aquatic Bodywork client interviews

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Benefits at the physical level
Our bodies feel more comfortable and relaxed in warm water and the ideal temperature is around 33-35°C. The Aquatic Bodywork combines powerful therapeutic benefits of weightlessness in warm water with fluid movements, gentle stretches, rotations and massage.

In water, our body weight is reduced by 70 to 80%, this allows bodyworker to carry effortlessly over-weight people or people with reduced mobility.

Aquatic Bodywork also helps with reducing pains of various origins such as back pain, relieves the spine, amplifies movements, relaxes muscles, mobilises joints, deepens breathing, stress, fears and blockages can be released.

Enables pregnant women to become aware of their bodies and to release tensions. Helps couples to establish contact with their baby in a womb gently.

Recommended to people suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and sports rehabilitation.

Benefits at the mental and emotional level
Aquatic Bodywork is ideal for people looking for a holistic therapy focused on inner development. Our thoughts slow down as we float in silence submerged in warm water and supported by the practitioner’s arms. We experience a form of meditative relaxation, mental wellbeing and regeneration.

Aquatic Bodywork therapy assists reduce daily stress, anxieties, depression, addictions, obsessions and insomnia. It stimulates creativity and promotes verbal and non-verbal expression.

People appreciate being able to close their eyes, to let go, surrender, relax and revitalise.
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