LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Better Call Maul walkthrough - Challenges Minikits Bricks guide
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Check out my LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Better Call Maul walkthrough guide to see how to get all Minikits, Challenges and Kyper Bricks to 100% the level.
Episode I: The Phantom Menace may have its critics, but the character creation for Darth Maul is nothing short of brilliant. He’s a great sci-fi villain and an excellent addition to the list of Sith Lords. It’s just a shame he doesn’t last a bit longer. For this reason, the Better Call Maul level is an absolute classic, with a lot of focus on fighting the Dark Side apprentice. The Minikits are tough, the Challenges will make you work hard and you’ll need to take the fight to Maul if you want to pick up all of the Kyper Bricks to 100% the level.
Make sure you subscribe to our channel for the rest of my LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga videos, plus more walkthrough guide tutorials, hints and tips.
Remember to hit that like button and share my LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Better Call Maul walkthrough guide - All Minikits, Challenges and Kyper Bricks video on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest or any other social media channel you use. This is part of our wider walkthrough guide for the galaxy far far away adventure, so you’ll be able to see more videos to help you through the whole Saga.
Episode I: The Phantom Menace may have its critics, but the character creation for Darth Maul is nothing short of brilliant. He’s a great sci-fi villain and an excellent addition to the list of Sith Lords. It’s just a shame he doesn’t last a bit longer. For this reason, the Better Call Maul level is an absolute classic, with a lot of focus on fighting the Dark Side apprentice. The Minikits are tough, the Challenges will make you work hard and you’ll need to take the fight to Maul if you want to pick up all of the Kyper Bricks to 100% the level.
Make sure you subscribe to our channel for the rest of my LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga videos, plus more walkthrough guide tutorials, hints and tips.
Remember to hit that like button and share my LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Better Call Maul walkthrough guide - All Minikits, Challenges and Kyper Bricks video on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest or any other social media channel you use. This is part of our wider walkthrough guide for the galaxy far far away adventure, so you’ll be able to see more videos to help you through the whole Saga.