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Have you ever wondered why the number 7 appears so frequently in the world around us? This mysterious number is deeply woven into many aspects of our existence and the nature that surrounds us. Why does the Quran mention seven heavens? Why is the earth, seemingly simple, composed of seven distinct layers? And why are both paradise and hell divided into seven levels, each with its own unique characteristics and meanings? 🌍✨

This number isn't just a coincidence—its presence in our daily lives suggests something much more profound. We observe seven days in a week, a time cycle used by cultures throughout history. 🌈 The rainbow, a natural wonder, is composed of seven distinct colors. All these instances prompt us to ask: what is so special about the number 7?

Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the fascinating and profound details about this sacred number. Since ancient times, humanity has sought to understand the universe through mathematics. From the Fibonacci Sequence in nature to the seven layers of the earth, Allah’s creation is imbued with divine order and harmony. Even the seven openings in the human face or the seven rounds of Tawaf during Hajj reflect this sacred number's spiritual significance. 🌌🌿

Whether it’s in the structure of our world’s geography—where the earth is divided into seven continents—or the spiritual journey of the soul in Islamic teachings, the number 7 appears again and again. From Sufism to the chakras of Eastern philosophy, this number symbolizes wisdom, spiritual elevation, and the pursuit of divine connection. 🔍🕋

Even in popular culture, from Snow White’s seven dwarfs to Agent 007, James Bond, the number 7 continues to captivate our imaginations. What is it about this number that resonates so deeply across different cultures, religions, and beliefs? Let’s explore the mystery and see why the number 7 might just be the key to understanding the universe itself.

Ready for this journey of discovery? Let’s begin. 🚀


- Max Tegmark, "Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality"
- "The Qur'an" - Surah Al-Fatiha
- Ian Stewart, "Significance of the Number Seven in Mathematics and Culture"
- "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" - Various authors
- "Symbolism of the Number Seven" - Online articles and studies
- "Islamic Stories and Beliefs" - Various authors
- Encyclopaedia Britannica, articles on "Chakras" and "Numerology"
"The Seven Pieces of Advice by Mevlana" - Rumi, works and teachings


#islam #quran #prophetmuhammad #hadith #islamicteachings #islamicfaith #quranverses #ramadan #eid #muslimcommunity #islamicwisdom #islamichistory
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This Ebook provides a comprehensive understanding of the five pillars of Islam, helping you to strengthen your faith and practice your beliefs with clarity and purpose.

Discover the inspiring life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through this detailed Ebook. Learn about his teachings, his character, and how his life serves as a model for Muslims around the world.

Explore the significance and benefits of fasting beyond the holy month of Ramadan. This Ebook offers insights into voluntary fasts and their spiritual, physical, and mental benefits.

Gain wisdom and guidance from the Quran with this Ebook. It covers essential life lessons derived from the holy text, helping you navigate daily challenges with faith and confidence.

Enhance your spiritual journey with this Ebook focused on the art of devotion. Learn various ways to deepen your worship and connection with Allah through practical tips and heartfelt advice.
Рекомендации по теме

I am born in July. 7th month of Christian calendar and i have natural tilt towards mystics and mysticism. Some people might be allergic to this topic but i find it as my comfort zone where i feel safe.
SubhanAllah for all the knowledge that you imparted. The whole universe is based on numbers and all the verses of Quran can be translated in numbers


Subhan Allah! Number 7 denotes a great spiritual hu Akkbar ...❤


All things have been created in balance and order.


Mind blowing explanation with great visuals. Really appreciate the efforts. Thank you so very much for sharing.


Thank you so much and I believe thank you very much ❤❤❤


Alhumdulilah, such an amazing video with so much wisdom and interesting booming voice from the presenter. You got yourself a new subscriber brother.


My birth number is 7. It's also my LifePath number.


Paradise is divided into 8 parts by Allah.

Please make sure this


Can someone send this 7 message video to Christiano Ronaldo? He like the number 7 right? Well maybe he thinks diferent and be guided insha Allah ta and many followers and fans whit him.


mashaAllah!&what about no.19, somebody's birthday¿ but ayah el'Qu'ran says, bdistadhwlbsmslt.that quote:".. over it are 19" unquote, mashAllah!


Can you do a video on the significance of number 12?


7 is for ritual and magical purposes but mostly the 7 planets . Without saying to much , I'll leave the kabba alone for today . You all are planet worshipers ❤ hidden gods rule this earth


7th day is Sabbath and all islam done is steal... 7 things does he hate

Proverbs 6:16-19
King James Version
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.


Universets tall 🔢 666 = jeg er begynnelsen jeg er sluten, , når du vet hvordan Universet fungerer kan jeg lage big bang og starte på ny ved slutten og få 3 ganger energi ⚡ fri 😊😊
