What is the Weirdest House Rule you've seen in a D&D campaign? #2

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► What is the Weirdest House Rule you've seen in a D&D campaign? #2 ◄

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Today’s video was narrated by our good friend Dave. Dave can be found and followed at the following link.

► Channel Art by: Artifex670

► Source material:

1. Raziene Davis
2. Hanbury Hampden-Turner
3. Dan Hedman
4. Eric Life-Putnam
5. Doyen Rainey
6. Sarah Holm
7. Matt Lemerand
8. Templer776


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Рекомендации по теме

That last super-stat rule sounds hella fun for shorter campaigns or a DM whos ready to shift things at a whim to accomodate it.


I shift back and forth on this, but if the party doesn’t have a healer, I allow all healing spells and potions to be maxed. That way no one feels like they have to be the healer

With this in mind however, if the party has a cleric or two casters with healing magic, I disable this rule. Max healing is kinda bonkers when you have people casting Mass Cure Wounds


I think my best one was when in my game i abused my dm's inspiration ruling, his ruling stated that depending on how much inspiration we spent we could get a different bonus, 1 inspiration was advantage and 3 was a auto success, it was in 2 that greatness occured as the ruling allowed you to roll a die 1 rank higher than the current bardic inpiration die, so if the bards inspiration was a d8 then you rolled a d10 and so on, and you could add this to ANY ROLL. I had noticed this of course and thus kept it to myself until 17th level, i was a sorcerer and i preced to cast the stop time spell which has a ROLL of 1d4 + 1 at 17th level the bardic inspiration is a d12 so i spent 2 inspiration and added a d20 to my stop time spell and then walked around the map removing peoples swords from sheaths tieing their shoe laces together and other general mischief as i had stopped time for 21 rounds or 2 minutes and 6 seconds.

The rule was swiftly changed at the end of the session.


A very simple one-session rule I implemented at one point: it was one of my player's birthdays, therefor I ruled that every time my 2 bard players wanted to use bardic inspiration, they would have to sing happy birthday. Was quite hilarious for a 10 hour session


It was the first day with this dm he was asking everyone what kind of game we wanted, rules, and homebrew and then we started making our characters when we get a few character sheets the dm turns to us and says no multiclassing a barbarian, wizard and a bard and so me and my freind obviously are very confused and my friend asks why, the dm just gives a death stare to one of players and just simply says “him” that’s the only combination of classes that is banned


"If you try to grab the wizard, he can just move away."

Y-yeah... That's why I'm trying to, uh... grab him?


I dont think it's a particularly weird homebrew rule, but my party takes psychic damage on bad jokes. Usually just 1, and usually the one taking it is our dragonborn fighter with like 170 hitpoints


idk if this is wierd or not, but I have never heard of it happen before. In my campaign with my buddies, the dungeon master was fed up with people being on there phones while we were in game, so if we were in battle, and someone is on there phone, he will ask them to repeat what is going on, and if they can't, they take 5 hit points damage, for being distracted, needless to say, people started to pay a lot more attention.


So in one game I was in the DM insisted that when we were at the table we NEVER break character. We couldn't make meta jokes, address anybody by their real names, etc. That rule in of itself doesn't sound bad, but the DM would enforce said rule by smiting the offending player and draining half of their HP. When I told him that house rule made me nervous and asked if he could get rid of it, all he told me was "As long as you don't break character, you never have to worry about the lightning."

Imagine trying to coral 8+ players with that kind of rule. It wasn't fun.


"Fall from 50ft...you're dead."

I have a friend who fell off a 50ft cliff onto rocks. He is very much alive...he broke a lot of shit but is alive.


I've seen a few house rules in my time, but I think that one that sticks with me the most is the one about giving players a starting feat.

There was something satisfying about letting my first ever character be a high elf necromancy wizard who already had arcanist, giving her prestidigitation for free and expertise in arcana when she was only level 3. Feats can really help you build a character you envision sometimes, especially if you're the type of player who is more after just building a character who is an actual character and you're not just trying to build a killing machine.


Ah yes, I love these videos. As a new DM, it tells me exactly WHAT to do and what NOT to do (Somehow, I will add chicken armpit into my campaign. Somehow.)


We only have rule about pushback: you recieve 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every cell someone pushed you, but something blocked your path... makes some interesting tactics with thunderwave, charger feat, and such


Here I am expecting chicken armor to be armor for an army of chickens but NOPE! It’s just a man covered in chicken corpses!


The one about fly actually sounds like a interesting strategy for a game. The barbarian grapples the wizard and the wizard begins to fly, straight up. With the barbarian now holding on for dear life


Weird rule, but if a player tries to cross spells in one use without the right setup (like the twinned spell) I'd say they could roll an intelligence check, and if they fail they attempt the spell and basically the streams cross and they suffer psychic backlash


I don't have many weird ones, but the closest I can think of is allowing Luck points to extend to other PCs.
One night, while the bard was in a friendly music battle with a famed fiddle-player, she rolled a bit sub-par on performance, and I asked if I could burn one of my Luck points in her favor. DM allowed it, and the result was a bit better (not enough to win, unfortunately), but ever since he's allowed me to extend my Lucky feat to other players, so long as the situation they're in has an immediate effect on me.


O.K. That "wizards are brokenly better thus they trump everything else" and the story after that. screw those DMs and never play at their tables for any and all reasons! That player who tried to grapple was in every right and the story after that concerning taking long rest inside a town/city only is full of crap!! If done properly then yea it would be challenging but that's too much! and the Healing bit!? EVEN THE ENPCs CAN BLOODY HEAL AND TO NOT GIVE YOUR PLAYERS ENOUGH GOLD TO BUY SO MUCH AS A 10TH RATE SALVE!? THE HELL IS WRONG WITH


I always stay till the end because all the different ways Dave refers to us makes my brain tingle with happy chemical.


Collective stat rolls: I was getting ready to start a new homebrew game for our group, but we were adding two new players. I wanted to see what everyone's notion of teamwork was, so I had them roll stats as a group. Everyone rolls for each stat creating a pool of numbers which would get divided up after character race and classes were chosen. What happened next was the equivalent of a monopoly game, but only if you hand out all the property first and made everyone trade to get what they want. The druid ate a couple of crap stats to get the one high wisdom roll. Their best set of stats was intelligence and nobody wanted to play and INT based character. Session zero became session 0.5, and we needed another session to complete the process. All and all, the characters ended up above average in most cases. The interaction gave me great insight into the group and I have been able to improvise several tangents my players have attempted all while preserving my original plot. It was an interesting way to start a campaign. Still going too.
