Are You Paying Attention? Here Is The REAL Focus We Should Have

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A Christian motivational video that aims to leave you blessed, inspired and encouraged as well as strengthening your prayer life and daily walk with God. As you listen to this daily devotional video may Jesus Christ light up your life!

►An original video created by Grace for Purpose and delivered by our team speakers. Our faith based content aims to bring biblical teachings to life! Our team aims to produce content that is focused on the scriptures, encouraging prayers, and insightful teachings

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Trust God not man.God is bigger than any of us.


*Jesus didn't come to start a religion, He came to show us how to get home!JESUS Is The Gateway To GOD*


*A Gentle Reminder:Ready Or Not; Jesus Is Coming Soon*


The only ONE we need to exalt is the Lord Jesus Christ. No one else.


Dear God, we are crucial to Your ministry. Please help us overcome our weaknesses, so we may continue sharing the Gospel. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Adultery, Fraud, lasciviousness, quickness to anger, nepotism etc are not fruits of the spirit. God cannot be mocked


We are at a tipping point. We are at a biblical tipping point that hopefully will usher in the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come and take over everything.


Praying for all us saints to stay strong in the faith of Jesus Christ irregardless.


It's sad to see people put their faith in a man that man can't get you in God's kingdom amen


When the 2020 election was going on, I started getting angry. I prayed and asked God to remove that anger. The next morning, I had the peace only God could give. All my anger went away and then God spoke to me, “Biden will be president. You need not to look to man to take care of your needs. I am your God and I supply all your needs.” Amen to this video to allow others to see where the focus we should be putting our eyes on. It is NOT this world. It is only on Jesus. This is a distraction and of the enemy. I’m so grateful we serve a God whom teaches us these things. He will teach you if you ask Him and He is the BEST teacher ever! I look to God as my source and nothing else.


GOD IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, TODAY, TOMORROW, FOREVER! That’s peace to my heart. That’s all I need to know


Read Psalms 37. Trust God he will expose and remove evil from our land. As a Christ follower our job is to pray without ceasing and repent of the pride in our heart and land. Stay in His Word and close to Him. God knows His plan.


My Bible is my shepherd who keeps me in line & does not let me stray but, rather keeps me in line & in His glorious Word❣🙏


Dear Lord Jesus, I pray for an eye opening, mind clearing discernment, heart changing Spiritual healing for all people believers and unbelievers. Have mercy upon us and thank you for healing and hearing our prayers


We need to stay prayed up, have our full armor of GOD on at all times & focus on the word of GOD🙏. I continue to pray for GODLY discrement, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, & courage that my Faith does not wavier when time is near🙏


I hope and pray that ALL PEOPLE COME TO JESUS CHRIST! I pray that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ touches EVERY SOUL AND SPIRIT! I PRAY IN JESUS NAME! AMEN


GOD IS THE HEAD OVER EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD!!! I put my Faith & Hope in God, He has the first & last say so!!! I put all my trust in Him no matter what’s going on in this world, my Faith and Relationship is the only thing that matters, I CHOOSE GOD OVER EVERYTHING, IN JESUS NAME AMEN🙌🏾🙌🏾!!


Jesus tells us to be of good cheer, He has overcome the world, let us occupy till he comes, head and eyes open and alert. In prayer daily.
In Joy


After paying to God about the state of our country, specifically in November 2020, God gave me peace. I was led to His word and reminded that God places kings in positions for His purpose. I remind myself of that constantly. God is in control and He has a plan and purpose in it all. This world is not our home and the closer we get to Christ, the easier it is to trust Him and have peace in it all, the kind of peace that surpasses understanding. ❤


Lord Jesus, please take care of America. Bring back Christian principles and values. Your people need You, Lord. Give us a president after Your own heart.
