Are Top Institutions Preventing Progress In Physics?

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"The majority believes that everything hard to comprehend must be very profound. This is incorrect. What is hard to understand is what is immature, unclear and often false. The highest wisdom is simple and passes through the brain directly into the heart" -ViktorSchauberger


After a certain point science needs to recognize when it's time to look in different directions take different paths.


this is correct there is so much "theoretical physics" that people are hanging onto and it is stopping further development and progress because certain institutions have vested interest in the prescribed theories regardless their accuracy.


Finally someone is giving Randell Mills exposure. Please interview the man. His theories are amazing.


Could the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents geometry? The Planck Constant ħ=h/2π is linked to 2π circular geometry representing a two dimensional aspect of 4πr² spherical three-dimensional geometry. We have to square the wave function Ψ² representing the radius being squared r² because the process is relative to the two-dimensional spherical 4πr² surface. We then see 4π in Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π representing our probabilistic temporal three dimensions life. The charge of the electron e² and the speed of light c² are both squared for the same geometrical reason. We have this concept because the electromagnetic force forms a continuous exchange of energy forming what we experience as time. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon ∆E=hf energy is forming potential photon energy into the kinetic energy of electrons. Kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy is the energy of what is actually happening. An uncertain probabilistic future is continuously coming into existence with the exchange of photon energy.


We have to put emphasis on young minds being trained specifically to check the work of the last. Open engagement without connecting dots that we don't have answers for but we have words or process that claims we do. It leaves only memorization skills with curriculum thats combative and goes against most ppls intuitions.

We know how to streamline our tools of approximation and teach only the best practice exercises one uses after putting a scientific box around systems.

But again our education is really just recruiting and isn't enriching young minds to better navigate the world or maximize how mechanics and technicians can best benefit


been finding it interesting that a lot of really interesting papers are coming from countries like Brazil, Italy, etc. outside the US. A paper about turbulence and minimal surfaces from Brazil was recently mentioned by David Tong


Institutions absolutely inhibit progress, and it’s not just physics that it applies to. The very nature of an institutional status quo breeds dogmatic groupthink that trains people to think inside a particular box or paradigm. If institutions did a better job of maintaining a degree of humility insofar as admitting they don’t have *all* the answers, folks would be much better served and more inclined to think critically. Look no further than people like Zahi Hawass to find an illustration of the limited thought processes that institutions produce.


They are preventing us from advancing in physics and a couple other subjects as well. However, it is not only the institutes, it's also specific government entities as well. I have built the H2O car, an infinity battery, I have built a platform that allows me to become weightless but also allow me to control if I go left, right, up, or down and that's only a few of the projects I have finished. The info and instructions for everything I named have been around for many years but sadly they get shut down or taken away or in some cases they flat out remove the person responsible. We really need to remember that we are the power and we are the masses. People are scared of the 1% but I ask why?? We are LITERALLY the other 99% so we win as long as we pull together and stop letting them run everything. That's the only way we will get to the next stage so please listen to me and say no more, we will not sit around while they create wars to make money and send the men and women of the usa to die for a fight we never had a hand in from the start. We are better then that.


This was an interesting discussion. The idea of cold fusion might not have been proven, but enough has been done that I think people should continue to look into it.

The problem in physics is much deeper than people realize. It really is at the most fundamental level, long before quantum mechanics is even considered.

In fact, it is at such a basic level that it is beyond the ability of modern physicists to ever recognize it.

I have spent 30 years trying to figure out how it all imploded and have, after many efforts, touched on why it happened and some sort of resolution to these problems.

There is not really enough room here to represent this work. It is written in The ElectroMAGNETIC universe* 7th Ed. This is just not some money making ploy. Nobody is going to get rich off of physics books (If somebody is poor and desperate, I will send them a copy for free.) However, I feel like I need to get out there and show that these questions in basic physics have been addressed.

*I emphasize the "magnetic" because this has nothing to do with the Electric Universe.


Curt, please do episode on gravity as IMO this is the main reason for the stagnation and stuck in a box thinking. I am coming at this from a simplistic view heck maybe even child like as I don't understand physics the way you all do but you know the saying "sometimes kids are correct." I just do know that to understand something as complex as this stuff is you just have to start guessing when you cant understand a certain part of the equation aka gravity.

Some new great stuff has been released on Youtube in past few weeks such as Sabine Hossenfelder saying physicists are living a delusion and says an accelerometer shows that we are being flung off the earth which is kinda crazy that physicists say gravity is a force of the mass of earth causing us to stick to it. Accelerometer clearly shows objects are being thrown off or away from earth. Then there is anopther video on how gravity is centrifugal and a paper from like 1952 explains this but was just overlooked by the mass physicist base.


You must interview Montgomery Childs or Dr. Michael Clarage of Aureon team. They've done it hands-down and there is no doubt about.


This is actually a very important topic because a lot of research within physics. Especially research that has military applications and potential advancements that could be of significant to national security and defense is taken by government, made classified research and kept by the government, preventing any actual benefits to humanity and our well being such as clean energy and unlimited energy.


I suspect much progress has been made to the conscious exclusion of all but a portion of the self anointed.


I quit my PhD after submitting my prospectus -for this very reason


Also G. Egely, M. Bendall, B. Greenyer. B. Huang, Ohmasa, Bychkov, others. Exotic Vacuum Objects and ball lightning are more fundamental than mere plasma. Why was Wardenclyffe built? Does it relate to the Great Pyramid? MFMP channel on YT. Bob Greenyer can explain what LENR is. Best wishes.


Looks like physics institutes need to have what I would call a “crackpot budget.” Everyone sits around and brainstorms potential ideas and votes on the ones they wish for true and might very well be.


Don't look at the Electric Universe Model. That isn't it. It's not! It's NOT! Lol


this is everywhere in every field, the old guard always stops the new one from advancing, they old guard always think they area right due tot eh time they have been in charge but they failed to see that once they were the new guard, sad that smart people don't see this.


A hydrodynamic approach

As well as developing a non spherical manifold will be essential to a different understanding, a GROKable model.
