Women Wears $13 Ring For 30 Years, Looks Again And Realizes She’s A Millionaire | REACTION

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The ultimate modern treasure hunt starts in thrift stores. I got a tiffany ring along with a 10kt brooch and 6 other pieces in a jewelry lot for $35 --- I only started hunting treasure 14 months ago!


Love your show. Agree with your questioning. A stone like that, a diamond, would probably never be set in silver but gold.


I find it hard to believe that a 26 ct diamond wouldn’t be worth at least a million dollars!


Luckily she went to Sotheby, s which is a highly respected and respectable company. Always have your art and jewelry valued by a known dealer!! Who knows, maybe that old ring or painting on the wall is worth something!!


A cut? Why? They failed due diligence. Seller beware.


SECURITY!!! Please walk me to my car. DONE!


It's hard to say how it ended up in the flea market but you can rest assured if someone there knew what they were selling they would never have sold it. It just went unnoticed because who would think such a valuable ring would end up there. An incredible story in many ways.


My brother lived in Great Britain for years and what we consider an antique here in the United States is just considered old there. Many times estate sale items end up in thrift stores or at flea markets there.


Thrift shops occasionally miss things.


Well 30 years, that's her Retirement!


Aint no way the guy that kept staring at her ring, following her and even grabbing her after all that had genuine intentions. He was a knower, thieves know value when they see it often, especially if they specialize in certain types of jewelry etc. Knowing that they probably had him on camera several places, he didnt dare to assault her, take the ring and make a run for it.


Jamel you would probably like Antique Roadshow on. PBS 😊


I found a bracelet and kept looking at it. Finally curiousity got me. I took it to a local jewelry store and found out it was worth
$3, 000.00. Almost swallowed my tongue.


So she enjoyed it for 30 years then got a great retirement sum out of it. Fantastic!


I was visiting mom in San Antonio. At her local resale thrift store I was looking over all the beautiful costume jewelry for her and noticed a necklace I couldn't stop staring at. It was tarnished filigree silver. Mainly deep red rubies and some diamonds. It was dirty and heavy. I kept my mouth shut, called my mom over - handed it to her and she said "You *do* have good taste, honey - it's gorgeous." But she put it back. Now I know her. She's tight with her money. That's WHY we're at a thrift store. They wanted $350 for it. There was NO way she was parting with that kind of money for it. I had MAYBE $700 to my name but I secretly bought it for her. Two years later she took it to her jeweler for a cleaning. It's real. WHAT? Those blood red rubies and huge blue diamonds? Yeah. It's real. It's a museum piece and he knows the family that accidentally sold it as costume jewelry after gramma died. It had to go back into the rightful hands of it's PROPER owner: the prettiest classiest high-maintenance double-edged sword tongued witty independent woman over 50 in that family. That was MY wish, MY stipulation. My mom said they all laughed when she told them that - they all knew who this would be. She called me and asked me how I described her so well. And *why*.: "I wouldn't DARE, it go to anyone ELSE!" Then she said SHE was the one that sold it.


HOLD ON, im gonna watch it in a seck, gotta stare at my ten dollar ring first.


What luck. I’m glad she cherished the ring so much


When i was a young idiot, my fiance talked me into sellin a ring to a mobster (we were shacked up an he was broke, gambled his pay) so i sold it to Big Charlie an Big Charlie knew me so he gave the 50 (fiance said ring probly worth 50) Big Charlie took the ring an said somethin like "okay kid, this is a 2 carat diamond, remember that" my stupid then self said "yes i know" Big Charlie realized i still didnt get the picture so he put his arm around me an said "look up what its worth later, you need to lose that loser and if you ever get another diamond hold onto it". Was years before i realized the ring a friend had gifted me was a 2k ring. I decided my friends were worth more than than marriage once i recuperated from that temporary insanity and became single again.


I’ve yet to see a shop where they don’t overmark the price !


Sometimes the person working in these thrift shops was poor all their lives and didn't understand about designer names and brands. That's how they miss things
But I am not surprised by this story.
